The UK Growers Thread!


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Active Member
My grandad said "it's going to be a fucking nightmare this winter with this flu outbreak"I said "tell me something I don't know..." Grandad replied "your nana's arse can take my whole fist".
ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just made me choke on my tea man


Active Member
do you think it would be ok to start popping seeds outdoors at the end of march the way the weathers going? and should i start getting my site set up now so it ready if the weather gets better?


Well-Known Member
Alright guy's, any Scots out there or ayone, know anything about the 2 guy's that were charged the other week ago in west or Scot ( i think) and were putting up an argument saying the cultivation and oyher charges they were facing, does'nt apply to them for certain ethnic (i think) reasons!
As in any outcome? I'm giong to try look it up!
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Any challenge against these law's is worth a look eh!


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hahaha found the uk thread did ya then bro? yeah i believe dura is from the bonnie land bro :)

hows everyone 2day. smokin the beast now, she's beautiful. nice lemon aroma on the intake with the haze blast on the exhale. my mates are loving it.


Well-Known Member
well i went back on my disulfarum tablets(ant abuse anti alcohol) two days ago, i took 3, but forgot to take another 2 last nite, i should be unable to drink for a week but rite now im doing a field trial with a can of guiness, i shld know within 15 mins whather im ok......this can actualkly be life threatening and is possibly the most physically painful thing iv evere this space.


Well-Known Member
well thats the first can down but its difficult to tell as i had a wee line of charlie earlier, the starting effects are similar, face reddens a bit, heart rate and respiration increases and of course a little touch of anxiety.....cant tell for the next can


Well-Known Member
to any one interested theses pills works by blocking your livers ability to accept alcohol, when you drink your liver changes the chemical compound sumhow thus allowing your body to accept and deal with the booze. if you use these pills then try to drink what happens is ur body immediately starts to suffer the effects of alcohol poisoning immediately....not a fun experience i can truly assure you. your blood pressure rockets , heart rate races, head feels like it actually going to swell till bursting.....then it gets worse.....the chills hit you and bring massive convulsions, so so cold you go to bed wrapped in your clothes shoes and jacket with the quilt smothering your body as the convulsions take can actually throw yourself out of bed with the force...looks like the excorcist scene.....this can last for a few hours or so....btw ive done this 3 or 4 times now....jst goes to show how fuckin dumb a supposedely educated intelligent adult can here goes can 2


Well-Known Member
its been no fun...



so i make lemonade out of lemons -=_=-

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, last time i heard of dura being on those, he totally forgot he'd taken em and hit the booze hard :D

Here's some lovelyness :) so many colours from the one girl, and also a big club :) although now it's just a long whipping cane :D

BF Sweet Tooth

And another run of the cheese of course, with a couple more to follow. They gonna need some heavy trimming before they#re ready to go 12/12 with that tiny little screen :D

I really wanted to give it another week and a half to see if the colours would really kick off, and could probably have done with the week and a half, but nee to keep the rotation in order :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha found the uk thread did ya then bro? yeah i believe dura is from the bonnie land bro :)

hows everyone 2day. smokin the beast now, she's beautiful. nice lemon aroma on the intake with the haze blast on the exhale. my mates are loving it.
I bet they are las, Ive knew of this thread for a while, suprised you;ve no seen me on it before now! Anyway, i know Dura-boy n Co. I was just going the quick route to all mate!
edit: looks like Dura;s no on this planet the night again las lol, He's some boy the Dura fella'

P.S nice stuff Tip Top, love the colours man! Bet its Sweeeet! Enjoy mate!



Active Member
those plants are amazing TTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the smelling like????

when were you in stones jambo???


Well-Known Member
very nice bud tip top, anyone used for coir? around 5 a bale if you buy 5 or more, each bale makes 65 litres when watered,plus free delivery, any good?


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