The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The like button going fucks the flow of the thread up I reckon.

I can't let people know I've give a nod to something without actually posting, it's become fundamental to the faster moving threads.


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yh mate thats how exo looks lmao dont look so fresh now does it lol you ll know wen ya see and grow it for yaself mate trust me that bud is like a golf ball trust me sambo will tell ya the same the larry lightweight lolol

Yeah, it looks about as done as that 6 week Dog sat next to it.



Well-Known Member
Some nice lookin buds getting chucked up 2nyt lads ;) ay don if your about mail us an addy mate and I'll sort that 2morro....right time for some graft on the m5


Active Member
I reckon you should send a snip on Ched so we're both reading from the same hymn sheet and we'll see what's what.
Sambo will tell ya by wkend mate and ill get some to ya wen I get them 2 down believe me mate its done at 8wk and no1 will know any diffrent ive run same strain 10+yrs of growin matevyou wont find another like her accept livers and psycho but exo for yeild and sales all day long mate


Well-Known Member
i dont need wait for the wkend chedz although i think me taster is about fucking due, must be me new deodrant or sumfing lmao

exo is well ready at 8wk yeah it will get stronger at 9-10 and is nicer but it aint putting much weight on in them extra weeks, ive chopped exo many many times just the odd plant cause ive been skint at 7wks fuck ive even sold it with no complaints but my own at the lost weight at 6wk lolol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Sambo will tell ya by wkend mate and ill get some to ya wen I get them 2 down believe me mate its done at 8wk and no1 will know any diffrent ive run same strain 10+yrs of growin matevyou wont find another like her accept livers and psycho but exo for yeild and sales all day long mate
Mind your fan leaves look different to mine Ched, more spread out 5 fingers rather than a longer middle finger.


Well-Known Member
yman if you got your clone from the thread then its exo.

burger looks niiice, i had a killer burger the other day proper nice burger with all the trimmings topped with slow smoked brisket still drooling about it now lol i need another lol


Well-Known Member
Aye no doubt but it does look different mate.
environment yman and you saying the exo is in different spot to them other plants still makes me fink cold is or was your prob aint you got a meter up there?

im not being a cunt but if it is cold i dont fink they will ever finish properly but we will see.


Active Member
I is the cold bro ya now my opinion on it I tell ya 100% its the cold ive had it be4 !! Remember wen I said I did a grow at tje old mans well they were outside in next door neighbours for a good 4-5hrs and there was frost on the ground and guess wot it fucked em up I waited extra few wks see I they would finish but its the roots mate they dont like the cold hence why I said reveg em trust me I aint blagging ya ya might still finish em if they aint suffered to bad but they will neva grow to there potential ill put me fuck next few plants on it on me babies life yman like I said just see but its gonna be a long wait mate trust me and thats only if they suffered abit !!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
environment yman and you saying the exo is in different spot to them other plants still makes me fink cold is or was your prob aint you got a meter up there?

im not being a cunt but if it is cold i dont fink they will ever finish properly but we will see.
It's not cold now.

It was only ever cold for 3 weeks tops and that wasn't really cold as like I say lights off was during the day, not even cold enough to see my breath.

The 3 weeks prior to that, the first 3 weeks they were in the tent and they didn't do much then, I posted photo's at week 3, Ched said they don't do much till week 5.