The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah mate , not sure if it would be too hot though to just throw into my soil mix lol ... might bubble some up into a tea ...

zedd you about broseph ?


Well-Known Member
Aye don't look bad for the price rob I like plant magics granules they work well in coco so I'd imagine there brilliant in soil
there not granules mate its like a compost texture , there not by plant magic :p its on offer in wilkos mate , 6 quid for 1kg , picked up a bag of it and a bag of mycorrhizal fungi , thats on offer for 4 quid a bag aswell .... that fungi stuff works shit how ... :)


Well-Known Member
just about to try abit of this crown jewels clone only , been gagging to try this since it 1st started smelling LOL


Well-Known Member
Yeh I know they ain't plant magic lol I was just saying that the stuff I use...I do use wilkos liquid seaweed tho and the plants love it sprayed or in the feed either way it keeps em strong and healthy


Well-Known Member
nice man , not tried that before .... when i first started growing i tried wilkos tomotoe feed ... that was a mistake pmsl ... smoking on anything nice bro ?


Well-Known Member
alright lads , hows it all going tonight .....
@chedz - you get ya fairy mate ??
@Gaz - im really fucking sorry i missed your reply last night mate , dont worry about it , im all good anyway bro , ill send you my new mobile number n then i can sort you something out my end ;)
@Welsh wizzard - I just got sent a un released pack of exotics new cookie cross strain , forum cut x star fighter , you want half the pack ?? there regs mate ....
@Zedd - what you using to make your teas at minute mate ? im trying to find a few diff recipes and mix it up abit to see what i like best .... you ever tried making super soil ?

Think thats everything LOL .....

oh yeah ... ill have a few oz spare in a week or so if anyone can punt em send me a pm ;)
Yo pal hows shit?

Yeah Shweet man I'll take a few! Can chuck you a couple of firedog or blue petrol beans if you want. I have a few of both.

Also can take first cut or two of cookie tomorrow I reckon, get that rooted up.

Meant to ask too, you got any Bodhi beans?


Well-Known Member
yeah no probs sae ... ill have ICE , Crown jewels , LSD .... keeping the casey jones for myself LOL . ive only chopped 2 at minute , giving the others abit longer though so ill let you know when its all done ;)
I get offered casey cuts so often. So bored of it man. Nice shit once in a while but not as a routine one for me.


Well-Known Member
nice man , not tried that before .... when i first started growing i tried wilkos tomotoe feed ... that was a mistake pmsl ... smoking on anything nice bro ?
Lol aye I think a lot of us have gone down the tomato feed path when first starting out lol I know I did Haha...ERM gotta bit of cheese and some citrus haze which is pretty damn nice to be fair...what the jewels like?


Active Member
alright lads , hows it all going tonight .....
@chedz - you get ya fairy mate ??
@Gaz - im really fucking sorry i missed your reply last night mate , dont worry about it , im all good anyway bro , ill send you my new mobile number n then i can sort you something out my end ;)
@Welsh wizzard - I just got sent a un released pack of exotics new cookie cross strain , forum cut x star fighter , you want half the pack ?? there regs mate ....
@Zedd - what you using to make your teas at minute mate ? im trying to find a few diff recipes and mix it up abit to see what i like best .... you ever tried making super soil ?

Think thats everything LOL .....

oh yeah ... ill have a few oz spare in a week or so if anyone can punt em send me a pm ;)
No fairy lad checked on the tracker and fuck knows wots gone on


Well-Known Member
Easy ww how's it going?I'm looking forward to a cookie cut man especially lookin at them pics if that's owt to go by and the reviews lol..have u heated if that Sherbert and the y ?


Well-Known Member
Yo pal hows shit?

Yeah Shweet man I'll take a few! Can chuck you a couple of firedog or blue petrol beans if you want. I have a few of both.

Also can take first cut or two of cookie tomorrow I reckon, get that rooted up.

Meant to ask too, you got any Bodhi beans?
ummm off top of my head i have tranquil elephantizer by bodhi and a snow lotus by bodhi but dunno if i have anyothers ... , im wanting to f2 the tranquils though unless you want them and you can f2 them me and send me a few back lol ;)
ive been working over in wales today ... bloody foreigners with there dodgy street signs lol


Well-Known Member
Might as well join in seeing this thread has been revived from the one or two posts every 10 minutes to 1 post every minute.


Well-Known Member
ummm off top of my head i have tranquil elephantizer by bodhi and a snow lotus by bodhi but dunno if i have anyothers ... , im wanting to f2 the tranquils though unless you want them and you can f2 them me and send me a few back lol ;)
ive been working over in wales today ... bloody foreigners with there dodgy street signs lol
More for a mate up in the hills who been looking for some good good Bodhi shizzle. If you want to let any go let me know and we'll figure something out, not sure if I'd get anything more than a cut or two back though. Greenhouse grower he is. Likes em big.