The UK Growers Thread!

Great, I've gnats lol any household items I can use?... Added some dish soap to a bowl with a drop of water,lemon juice n some sugar, lets see if that gets some of the fuckers...the gf is gonna get some of those strips for me tomorrow if she can find em.

a few were found dead this morning so ill consider it a minor victory n look on the bright side...imma get me high today.
chedz u fucking nugget you sent me 2 batch's of lemon thats why i thought the exo was abit strange lolol

loooool that's great exo cant tell the diff between cheese and lemon, aving said that i spose when they all smell like hay its hard to decide looooool

only joking man....p.s that sensi star you made me kill for nothing will be comming back to haunt you.....karma man.loooool
no its grapefruit and ylang ylang mate

coffee?? Train wreck is traditionally citrus flaver in gusseing that's were the grapefruits comming from....

in now running hso purple train wreck....they boast about a sig lemon taste....we shall see....

loads of sats and kushes are citrus/lemon and loads off strains are kinda lemony .....jack harrera or however you spell it s another citrus taster.....
thanks man.............

zeddd, that arrived, firstly fuck me ur on ur game..seriously no exaggeration its so fucking cool how U did it n a very generous sample..looks fucking amazing crystals dripping off the cunt...cant get over how sweet ur method is lol my whole day is gonna revolve around getting home for that..again AMAZING lol
zeddd, that arrived, firstly fuck me ur on ur game..seriously no exaggeration its so fucking cool how U did it n a very generous sample..looks fucking amazing crystals dripping off the cunt...cant get over how sweet ur method is lol my whole day is gonna revolve around getting home for that..again AMAZING lol

that's the problem with this country......always sending the good gear to the foreigners....while us Brits with cash on the hip are left smoking the snicklefritz........looooool
that's the problem with this country......always sending the good gear to the foreigners....while us Brits with cash on the hip are left smoking the snicklefritz........looooool

Don't make me go over there n take your work n women 2!!

Might even rape n pillage the place whilst im at it.
zeddd, that arrived, firstly fuck me ur on ur game..seriously no exaggeration its so fucking cool how U did it n a very generous sample..looks fucking amazing crystals dripping off the cunt...cant get over how sweet ur method is lol my whole day is gonna revolve around getting home for that..again AMAZING lol

Enjoy u lucky fucker, I've been trying to get a a sample or a purchase from zedd for ages and still waiting, Maybe I need to join the Ira and start threatening to bomb the lot of you's lol.
Enjoy u lucky fucker, I've been trying to get a a sample or a purchase from zedd for ages and still waiting, Maybe I need to join the Ira and start threatening to bomb the lot of you's lol.
james bond comes to mind mate, you probably got one but didnt even know it was it lol mind=blown
[video=youtube;guKoNCQFAFk][/video] wooo,stunning day summers on its way lads....
I told ya all, u wanna oz pm me, all I get is ....can I have a q......can I have tick.......someone even offered me £160 cos that's all he gets.........I told ya, im serious
It would be nice to start a collective between us, but you Lott have known each other for ages and still don't trust each other for one reason another...

itsa shame man....
not once in my life have i asked for tick n always laughed at ppl that asked for it..if u cant afford it go without n save those pennies cuz its defo worth it n i aint tasted it yet lol
It would be nice to start a collective between us, but you Lott have known each other for ages and still don't trust each other for one reason another...

itsa shame man....
thats the sort of thing u do with close friends mate n the best way to do it is never give anything expecting it back... n every1 would have to be perpetual or else it would be the perps feeding the pers growers which is kinda gay

the way u lads have it now is pretty sweet, still business but the trust is there (to a degree) coupled with the friendly aspect.
I told ya all, u wanna oz pm me, all I get is ....can I have a q......can I have tick.......someone even offered me £160 cos that's all he gets.........I told ya, im serious

take ya porkey pies else were.....lool you had a cut and oz for sale a few weeks back i jumped all over you like a sex starved fat bird ...i got yea longed me off and then told me you sold up..............

taking the kids and house was fine zedd but did you really have to take the goldfish n all looooool

is zedd the only person who grows in mud?.....

hmmmmm bat shit loool
take ya porkey pies else were.....lool you had a cut and oz for sale a few weeks back i jumped all over you like a sex starved fat bird ...i got yea longed me off and then told me you sold up..............

taking the kids and house was fine zedd but did you really have to take the goldfish n all looooool

is zedd the only person who grows in mud?.....

hmmmmm bat shit loool
jaysus ur english slang is more confusing then those blacks ghetto talk... id need alan turing to break that fooking code lol... no homo