The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I normally just chuck all my sugar trim in a shoebox and leave it to dry in the grow room for 4-5 days, but need to shake it up every day to make sure it drys evenly and ain't damp underneath. Never tried trimming dry but would imagine it's more of a pain than doing it when wet.
Hmm might have to try that at some point, plan for the moment though is to wait til thursday when i get some money n buy one of those clothes airers n see how it works


Well-Known Member
Try mixing some street into your pitch... Can I get some cuts up in this hizzay maybe looking for 3...of a kind..see lol.


Well-Known Member
Try mixing some street into your pitch... Can I get some cuts up in this hizzay maybe looking for 3...of a kind..see lol.
haha fuck all that chav speak shit lol, the lads in here know well enough by now I dont expect things for free so im sure if someone can help me out they will shout me lol


Well-Known Member
Alreet fart knockers what u lot sayin then? Relax that looks sweet mate looks like she's eaten up all her nitrogen fast tho? 30 cuts aye ice not doing things by halfs I see lol...I cracked 2 seeds I got out of some blues a while back and I've just topped em at 5 nodes let me tell ya they fookin stink more than the exo a lot more defo gonna tek some cuts off of them just incase they turn out to be stunners...just having a nice joint now then I'm off to bed for a few hour on a night shifty

Lmao....up in this hizzay makes me chuckle every time


Well-Known Member
Alreet fart knockers what u lot sayin then? Relax that looks sweet mate looks like she's eaten up all her nitrogen fast tho? 30 cuts aye ice not doing things by halfs I see lol...I cracked 2 seeds I got out of some blues a while back and I've just topped em at 5 nodes let me tell ya they fookin stink more than the exo a lot more defo gonna tek some cuts off of them just incase they turn out to be stunners...just having a nice joint now then I'm off to bed for a few hour on a night shifty

Lmao....up in this hizzay makes me chuckle every time
The light leaves are down to a mag def that I encountered after flip but all new growth is nice n lush.


Well-Known Member
The light leaves are down to a mag def that I encountered after flip but all new growth is nice n lush.
New leaf growth 7 week in flower??? Aye me.mate seen that new 300 said it was alright like but not a patch on the 1st one hard film to beat 1st one is bad as fook


Well-Known Member
New roboncop is ok though ....

rimmer i got some of dons slH x sc cuts.....

wot u doing with that cloner???
its sitting here if ya wanna do some kinda deal on it but you will have to jump on the train or summat as postage will be ridiculous amounts even though its a really light item, also the pump will need troubleshooting as it still works but the spinner wont spin for some reason, probably a piss easy fix but i just simply cant be arsed to investigate it where i cant set the thing up here lol

if ya want ill swap ya it for 3-4 cuts to tide me over AND ill even send you a bit of bud from em when they are done if ya like?


Well-Known Member
Yeah still all good for the weekend mate I'm staying down that way till Monday anyway was gonna hit urs on the way home then if that ok .

yeh man, just deciding if ima fuk these xo and livers of anf hope mine root or just flower em and fukit wat i get is what i get, they just look mangled, dunno whats going on, not def just ucked and dont seem to be changin, been under 600mh for a week and dunno whats going on,

eitehrway purps huger unna yeild well


Well-Known Member
Not bad mate, chopped my 1st plant in 3 years earlier so happy about that, hows you?
goodman sae glad you finally got a harvest in, you aint had the best of luck mate this last few years have ya hay?!? it was a qqxlivers wasnt it that everyones been begging a sample off lolol dont worry mate i dont want none lolol you get a nice yield from her? i been knocking out a fair bit of green recently carnt afford to smoke it meself tho lol


Well-Known Member
goodman sae glad you finally got a harvest in, you aint had the best of luck mate this last few years have ya hay?!? it was a qqxlivers wasnt it that everyones been begging a sample off lolol dont worry mate i dont want none lolol you get a nice yield from her? i been knocking out a fair bit of green recently carnt afford to smoke it meself tho lol
yeah ive got 2 qqxlivers, 1 rooted clone n 1 vegged plant, chopped the lil un today n gonna leave the big one for a day or so until i can afford an airer for the trim as gary is kindly lending me his bubble bags so dont wanna waste an opportunity lol, reckon ill get 4-6oz from the 2 so not bad for first grow in a few years

as for the sample whether ya want it or not it will be winging its way to ya at some point , an offer is an offer at the end of the day lol, prob be next week some point when ive got money to send ppls samples out

An how comes you aint got any smoke for yaself if ya knocking it out? just underweigh some chavvy mug lol

Also only another 1-2 weeks and i will be able to chop the 2 SAGE as well so hopefully get some debts paid off n not have to struggle for a change, only got £2k in total to pay off to various companies and then completely debt free lol, will be the first time ive been in no debt since i got wiv my missus 5yrs ago ( bloody women eh?)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm dying to see what it looked like finished man. any pics?

grats on ya first one in 3 years. i'd have been up the wall. whenever i down tools i'm bored as and end up getting mashed all the time.


Well-Known Member
debt-free?!? whats that mate??? lol

fucking fair play getting out of the debt n not just knocking em unless its a court warrant bailiff i aint paying shit lol u taught me that lol the sage n sour was very distinct in flavour sae dunno bout just sage on its own tho? but i really enjoyed the sage n sour, i dont do tens n 20s geezer n if people oz's etc are short they wont buy again so no point i need the cash more that i can make from the bigger bits, a mate has got me a smoke saved ready to send for me bd next wk tho so im looking forward to that.


Well-Known Member
i'm dying to see what it looked like finished man. any pics?

grats on ya first one in 3 years. i'd have been up the wall. whenever i down tools i'm bored as and end up getting mashed all the time.
how was brum Don? didnt see chedz by any chance did ya? lol joke but strange hes gone awol again, n prob already said thanks well i fucking hope so anyway but niceone for that fingy last week bloody destroyed me lolol