The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeah best to have consumption rules when it comes to such occasions lol especially when it's as moreish as that haha. Here is a little group pic I took checking up.on the girls day 2 of week 7 now so only feeding em straight water.


Well-Known Member
Easy lads his it going? Got a day off with pay 2day I'll tay some a that ;) all me plants look well exo taking of now and the 2 seeds I cracked with her are looking lush nice tight nodes stinky as a motherfucker think ive found a keeper...if u ain't got any cuts sorted in about 3 weeks sae I'll be able to sort u out mate free of charge of course....other than that I ain't got much to say thinking about switching back to bio bizz lol yes Gaz I know u told me so lmao not.had any problems with it really just it goes fuckin horrible if left 1 day in the bucket I mean rancid don't like the thought of that sitting on me roots


Well-Known Member
Morning fuckers, haha yeah I told ya shawny that plant magic is ok but nothing compare to bio bizz.
Sitting here smoking my 1st J of the day and it's a fatty can feel my eyes shutting again.
Need to get myself together tho and start packing for taking the kids to blackpool 2morro.


Well-Known Member
Yeh lol think I'm gonna make the switch back at the weekend not to Roy on it...Yeh ya lazy fucker get them bags packed haha hope u have a gooden mate would have been fun to pop up myself like but gotta work sat and sun night hopefully tho I'll be able to take the Mrs to the dam for a few days soon


Well-Known Member
leave a airstone in the bucket shawney, only coz its still its going nasty u can get battery powered bubblers that u just drop in the bucket,
OR heres a idea, MEASURE WHAT UR USING! u know so no exess?

packing gary? dont forget my thing lol just gotta find sumert the same size as the base to sit it on in the loft since the other tent is on the only flooring i could get/afford,

so will be purp when new tents here, buzzin, may just run sum 12-12 from seed, so if anyones got any fems kicking about lemmi know,

and my cuts are still alive, and green, so hopefully theyl root, be nice to have nr 40 livers and exo lmao... just need a physco but seems no cunts holding her, OR they are ther just too stingy to do one and forget they only got em coz of this place anyway

ya get me blad??? bra bra!! haha


Well-Known Member
Looks like its goina be too long till I can get enough clone onlys for my main setup, I'll have a few clones in a few weeks hopefully but then I'll need to clone them and that shit will just take too long, goina crack a few seeds at the weekend and veg them for a week or two then flip them to get something on the go.


Well-Known Member
Pmd you Robbie . Afternoon lads . How are you all ? Recently bought a blockbuster air cooled hood . Looks the nuts big bloody shade though .


Well-Known Member
Well just been to grow shop and got some bio grow bloom and fishmix lol fuck it can't go wrong with this stuff...aye ice if all them livers take I'll tek a couple of yer hands mate...looking at my plants earlier I van take cuts off my mystery strains already so might try a couple later on....the exo clones ate looking really bad tbh the mother ain't too bad just she ain't branching out think maybe its because of her hard start in life has just fucked her for good like

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I got piks just cant upload ffs......

rimmer ive seen f all bout a cloner....

and i was sorting my clones today and kept some aside if u still need em...

got slh xsc 2 diff phenos, and kings kut...
both are pritty smelly, up 2 a few weeks ill have blue moonshine clones, purp train wreck, and sage n sour......

depends when u want em man....


Well-Known Member
this thread is dieing a death lol is dead as fook at night nowdays.

got some exo scissor hash, but got a bad cough anyway im scared to smoke it lolol
