The UK Growers Thread!

Thanks bud, can't wait for next run, being my first run I made alot of cowboy errors that could have easily been avoided.
Evening lads, how are we all today, I'm fucked been up since 9 then went swimming with the kids then took the dogs to the beach then hired a 4 person pedal go kart that none of the kids could reach the pedals so I had to pedal for the 4 of us, my legs are numb my back is aching and now I need to sort dinner before taking the kids back out for the kids club from 7-10pm, cracked open my 1st ice cold beer of the day and it's fucking bliss, another cpl of these and I'll be sweet.
mate what a load of shit u chat sometimes laz paid £5 or poss £7 for the cut mate, its not that spesh and was created by a seed from ghs of the worst rated seed company of all time....

so las legacey is just any random street cut,

my lemon skunk is the parent to that cross, the lemon bit in the slh.....ya know.....dna the company that made the slh possible.....dna the long standing seed company.....ya know....been around for years made loads of money....obv selling shit....

Listen you gobby little cunt, when you've quite finished......

First off, although he's popped in from time to time Las has been fucked off longer than you've been here so don't be so bold as to presume.
And this is not a dick waiving competition over which is the better plant, it's about you comparing two plants that are so genetically different.

For your information GHS smashed the cups with Shanty, you know that seed company who brought us the white family, that seed company who was the most legitimately successful cup winner of all time, done the cup to death before it went silly.
GHS has only been shit since Arjan's had it lock stock.

Also for your information your DNA Lemon Skunk is not the parent to the SLH (get off DNA's dick).

There is a stock Lemon Skunk stud, rented out for stud to the commercial seed market (DNA didn't breed it).
DNA's Lemon Skunk is a cross of this Lemon Skunk stud over another Skunk, suposedly IBL'd (yeah right) and then sold as DNA's Lemon Skunk.
GHS's SLH is the result of that stock Lemon Skunk stud having a Super Silver Haze stud put over it (again, GHS didn't do the work) and then being sold as GHS Super Lemon Haze.
(Sorry to burst your bubble but this is how the dutch commercial seed market works)

The plants you have are a result of a choice specimen of (supposedly) GHS's SLH that has had Don's Smelly Cherry male put over it.
The genetic line ups that you are comparing and saying "doesn't grow like mine" ( shit!) look like this.

Lemon Skunk Stud x Unknown Skunk = DNA's Lemon Skunk.

Lemon Skunk Stud x Super Silver Haze Stud = GHS SLH x Smelly Cherry (Oscaroscar's Livers/Blues x Heath Robinsons Black Rose x Dr Candyman's Cherry Assassin) = The plants you have.

Like I said, comparing the plants you have from Don to your DNA cut based on Lemon Skunk content is like comparing Minced Meat to Mincemeat.

no again hes chatting shit, if u have a few little spots clean down, up ventilation and carry on..........

do u honestly think commersh growers who notice a little pm bin everything....

yorkstar seems very anti atm.....

PM strain is plant dependent, PM that affects cannabis is chemically resistant
There is only one chemical treatment known to be effective against cannabis PM (and it's harsh).

Despite your ignorance PM can not just be wiped off like Botrytis.

Ask Don why I don't have a Psychosis cut and he'll tell you it's because the pristine clean cuts he sent came infected with PM from the mother plant he took them from, it destroyed his entire room.

naw nothing against u bizzle i think yorkstars the one wiv the hump....
maybe he got caught Facebook stalking that

I've got the hump now I've got a no-mark little prick who's been stroking his own cock since he landed saying I chat shit when stating well known facts.

Give your fucking head a shake and just remember where you are lad.
still malware warnings on most browsers n the sites pretty fucked, had to lol at chedz joining a new forum for his ''own reasons'' pmsl ffs chedz man up whats that all about??? scared of ice lmfao

whole site is pretty dead, they must be losing 1000s of hits with all this blocking on normal browsers.
Yeah I was even looking for an alternative to here but alas feck all out there really but tbh I only tried icmag lol anyone know of any other threads like this? Just till they fix this cunting site
still malware warnings on most browsers n the sites pretty fucked, had to lol at chedz joining a new forum for his ''own reasons'' pmsl ffs chedz man up whats that all about??? scared of ice lmfao

whole site is pretty dead, they must be losing 1000s of hits with all this blocking on normal browsers.
well I back on the red wine and exo trainwreck combo, whats ur buzz tonite the Bacardi in reserve
Yeah I was even looking for an alternative to here but alas feck all out there really but tbh I only tried icmag lol anyone know of any other threads like this? Just till they fix this cunting site

theres not many like this really from what ive seen over the years, some have very knowledgeable people, but most are very slow or have extreme nazi mods where your expected to speak in the 3rd person at all times my name is swim my is my is swim lol
True that u find another like this mate canna speak about fuck all on other forums....on Riu I got banned tryna swap clones n shit they no more so I carried on and got banned lmao..some.decent folk on there like
what like zeddd smoked some pot, then he watered some plants, zeddd enjoyed hisself........fuk that pain in the arse, shits gotta flow
well I back on the red wine and exo trainwreck combo, whats ur buzz tonite the Bacardi in reserve

im on the vods,tonic,ice,exo combo lol

pretty wrecked but unless your on ya phones or using tor this site is still no accessible without a malware warning.
I've got some green at the min that tastes a bit like port and cheese lol its quite nice man no alcohol tho I've still got a few lines left thon but I think I'll save that for another night