The UK Growers Thread!

Looks funky eh?
yeah, looking down on it from above it looks like the top of the bud is forming a star with highlighted ridges, when you get in for a closer look you can see the dreaded yellow nanner curling into the bud gna chop the damn thing tomorrow so will try n get some decent pics with the missus` camera, fucking TH seeds garbage
Also, what cal-mag is it you lads buy from ebay/hydro shops etc? any specific brand or recipe to go for>

I normally use plant magics Magne-cal it's pretty cheap and does the job nicely, I got mine for about £10 a litre from my local grow shop but will prob be a bit cheaper on fleabay
EBay has 2 brands, plant magic is from America so not worth the postage costs n tnt which is an English based of the lads on the Irish thread had issues with it that were resolved once he switched the plant magic so check out ur local grow shop.
Also, what cal-mag is it you lads buy from ebay/hydro shops etc? any specific brand or recipe to go for>


Calcium and Magnesium seperate @ about £12 a bottle.

If you use Epsom salts for Magnesium your plants start to dry out come mid flower, something to do with the chemistry behind the sulphate Epsom aded to Potassium ferts fucks something up (I've only just learned this myself).

Also if you have Calcium seperate you can tailor the feed to up the Potassium mid to late flower without it locking out the Calcium and vice versa, the Calcium locking out the Potassium.

All in one Cal/Mag products are shit because you can't add one without the other, treating a deficiency will over feed with the opposite causing lockout and defeating the object.
Our water over here is high in cal so I'd actually gotten the canna mono mag n N,so far the mags been great.
Did u pop any of the dippy ellsy seeds I sent u shawny? Sent u and Drgrowshit some dippy and wanna see If either of u get a decent female as again my last run with them I got 3 makes out of 3, so I either of u get a good female pheno then I'll be after a cut back off it lol.

No not cracked any dippy yet mate I'll pop them on next run I'm gonna focus on exo and billberry for this grow 2 BB seeds and a few exo cuts and I should be laughing ...Yeh when I do pop a dippy I'll sort you a cut no worries mate ;)
Our water over here is high in cal so I'd actually gotten the canna mono mag n N,so far the mags been great.

I've only just started using the Mono Mag instead of Epsom this last grow but the difference in health late on is obvious.

They seem to uptake potassium better/cleaner/more efficiently?
Oh aye IC3.

I got this lot on a very, very good deal from my local grow shop as he's not stocking it anymore.
It would cost him to send it back for a fraction of the cost price to be reimbursed......

Haha, heck at ur prices I'll stop growing n buy from u haha

As it happens my local growshop owner was telling me that last week some middle aged guy walked into the shop with about 50oz to see if he knew where it could be sold.

It turns out that this guy was a one half of a 2 man team.
He grew the weed and his partner sold it, they split the money 50/50.

His partner had got busted for something and got slapped with a prison sentence leaving him with no channels to punt his gear.
Previously the partner had taken the guy into the shop with him one time to buy equipment so.....

The fella walked into the shop with a big black canvas holdall stuffed full of oz bags of weed, "d'you know were I can shut this lot? 150's"
Nigel the owner turned him away cos he doesn't move in those circles anymore and didn't have any contacts!

As it happens my local growshop owner was telling me that last week some middle aged guy walked into the shop with about 50oz to see if he knew where it could be sold.

It turns out that this guy was a one half of a 2 man team.
He grew the weed and his partner sold it, they split the money 50/50.

His partner had got busted for something and got slapped with a prison sentence leaving him with no channels to punt his gear.
Previously the partner had taken the guy into the shop with him one time to buy equipment so.....

The fella walked into the shop with a big black canvas holdall stuffed full of oz bags of weed, "d'you know were I can shut this lot? 150's"
Nigel the owner turned him away cos he doesn't move in those circles anymore and didn't have any contacts!


cannabis idiot award 2014, contender