ther is noway that was a cut. sorry mate just not having it, thats a seedling
and i been busy bitches!!
oh yeh fucking thrips is bak, anyone got anything for them for me?
I had some that jumped about when i waterd...but their springtails or something and beneficialbazoomer: 10444344 said:
Lol, wtf is that?? And thrips? U have no luck at all's ur clones doin
Fuck me, u in Mongolia ? DIYshop , B&Q ? It's pesticide, safe on fruites, tomatoes ect, made by Bayer , in little yellow bottle , £6, lasts ages, follow directions on bottle, don't drink it or give it ya kids ! I love you Xb and q bayer? wassat?
NICE, i see you went the sponge route lolther is noway that was a cut. sorry mate just not having it, thats a seedling
and i been busy bitches!!
oh yeh fucking thrips is bak, anyone got anything for them for me?
bubble cloner fool!
tem 35 i took like weeeek ago? mould,died, thats enough of that.,, so im 0-86 or sum shit on cone root ratio/
so knocked a bbble cloner togther, just working out wat to ut in the water.
im assuming 5,8ph,rhiz and clonex in the water
ther was fucking loads shawn in the rn of in the pot trays loas of lil white things wrogging like WTF, WEEK 3-4 FLOWER TOO.
and ninja its only coke n mdma thats not a physcial addiction, thats a addiction by choice.
That's from dragon Ball z bud...duh n btw dbz is super homo
Lol, only messin ic3, I have a 24 site bubble cloner and had no luck with it m8 so I cany help ye ther.
Mines has a sprayer on it too but it's a loada shit if u ask me
You what brah?I am a grown man and havnt got a clue what dragon ball is and where im from if you come out with shouts like "super cool" the kids would nick your trainers. Each to their own but I grow weed and occasionally come on the site to read up and seen a section for UK growers. Not being disrispectful to everyone but their is some right fucking nerds knocking about on this site
he wont get done for intent on a 8th in one lumpMate I ain't even anti coke n mdma lol I have had plenty of good times on both. His just seeming to be abusing it. Tolerance level is quite high so his doing 8ths. If pulled a festival for that hell be nicked for intent to supply n here gets raided. Sounds harsh but I couldn't really care about him it's his own choice. If he ends up overdosing or doing time because he wanted a messy weekend that's his fault. His not a kid.
That's an impressive amount of mdma... I thought doing a g in 2 lines was hardcore but man must he look mangled looooool
That is a great impression of chopper!! Cop the fuck on stephanFor the homosexuals amongst us . . .