The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
well u told me ud be ere at 4 looool, its now half past n I need some munch........kebab time me tinks.....dnt worry cfl and mainey u know were to find me. .....(if u can work out opening times lol)

on a lighter note just found out ive been benifit capped.....fuuuuuuucccckkkkkk now this dikhead gov are gunna move me from London..... if any of u voted for these tits. . why!!!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah that's pretty much what i thought would happen, think i'll take the tin snips to em, lash the charcoal on the garden and chuck the metal in the pikey's van. though that's probably more dodge than the tip tbh.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
your off to james turner street mate lol gov says you carnt afford to live in london nowdays lol
loooooooool fuck man ivr never even left if i refuse to move in making myself homless intentionally??.....

they can move me anywere in the uk


Well-Known Member
well u told me ud be ere at 4 looool, its now half past n I need some munch........kebab time me tinks.....dnt worry cfl and mainey u know were to find me. .....(if u can work out opening times lol)

on a lighter note just found out ive been benifit capped.....fuuuuuuucccckkkkkk now this dikhead gov are gunna move me from London..... if any of u voted for these tits. . why!!!!!
I didnt say anything about coming down n have no timing either. Think u confusing me for cfl



Active Member
Does anyone grow in a 120x120 tent with a 600w without an air cooled hood?im a relative newbie,got a tent and set it up but if it can be done id like to know how?i think ill just hold off till i get one,dont want to go stressing my girls.only got a 4" carbon filter setup too so im thinking ill get a 5" one instead,an air cooled hood with 6" fan and just use the 4" fan for intake?or i may just go with passive intake...


Well-Known Member
Lol, Gary boy. Here is the thing. I am special.
Proof, no non. Just word of mouth lool.
I aint got shit to prove. I aint got a camera atm but i'll tell ya, I'm better than IC3, most prob better than you, and if he just payed more attention to his girl than on this so much, he could be better too. lol.
But yes, I'm so God damn special and with no proof lool
someone use this as their sig b4 I do... CLASSIC


Well-Known Member
Stupid to get moved but should have ur own place wher they cant move you for shit. What's the point in depending on these cunts?? Unless money is an issue then I get it, we dont all have it as kushty as others.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone grow in a 120x120 tent with a 600w without an air cooled hood?im a relative newbie,got a tent and set it up but if it can be done id like to know how?i think ill just hold off till i get one,dont want to go stressing my girls.only got a 4" carbon filter setup too so im thinking ill get a 5" one instead,an air cooled hood with 6" fan and just use the 4" fan for intake?or i may just go with passive intake...
cooltubes on ebay reduced to 24 qwid mate and yes u can run a naked 600 with that size etxraction, just make sure its a decent extractor like rvk/ruk/ram them white ones aint to clever,

try not to reduce down with udcting reducers neither, cuases more problems than its worth, u can get a big buddha 5" filter on the bay for 25-30 qwid and thats about 250m2 and a 5" rvkis like 210m2 so would worknicley together.

if u get a cooltube then eaveen better.

use the 4" for intake spec in this hot weathr but u should have neg pressure in ya tent so technically u shuddent need it, but summer a cummin..
just been dentist 4 fillings was shitting it, wernt bad at all, FUKING MANNED IT!!

see the rowings still going on, ya boring bastards

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeah that's pretty much what i thought would happen, think i'll take the tin snips to em, lash the charcoal on the garden and chuck the metal in the pikey's van. though that's probably more dodge than the tip tbh.
Drill the rivets out, change the carbon, rivet it up again with a cheap gun from ebay.

Save shitloads on buying another filter.


Well-Known Member
Dude please, my puny (that squiggley red line usually means you've spelled the word wrong) brain amounting to something?..........I could fry your head in seconds, ask any regular member of the thread.

I know exactly what you meant but but your feeble attempt at sarcasm holds no water here.

If you want to try and insult me and it actually stand for something you'll have to try a damn site harder than that.
But I'll warn you that nobody has actually managed it yet.
Yorkie, are you Welsh???

did I manage to insult you? pmsl

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Thought about it yorkie but getting decent carbon isn't that easy so I'm told anyway, I like knowing the rhino stuff will see me for a good 18 month n more, might have a go anyway if I can get good carbon, I've got two old ones now.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
sounds fuked up they can move u around esp when theres so many fukin immi wasters everywhere u look, seems wrong to uproot a man
6 generations of my fam have all lived and died here could be more if i looked up fam tree....

it wouldn't be so bad if it was just down the road, people are being made to move Nottinghamshire n shit......

any of u seen that Chan 4 doc how to get a council house?? That's my council and the same wankers i deal with....