The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thats madness sambo. See that french guy that got caught with 5kg of charlie got a pass and fucked off out the country, Ive heard if you get busted over there it costs about $2000 for one of those passes. Well worth it. LOL


Well-Known Member
Just had a random on my grow thread, warning me about temps and humidity and also about my res temps. Why would I fix something that isn't broken. Personally I think my plants are doing ok, dare I say better than ok. I would understand if my plants were looking shit. I'm going to do a res change 2morrow and that should do them until harvest


Well-Known Member
Just had a random on my grow thread, warning me about temps and humidity and also about my res temps. Why would I fix something that isn't broken. Personally I think my plants are doing ok, dare I say better than ok. I would understand if my plants were looking shit. I'm going to do a res change 2morrow and that should do them until harvest
fuck em m8 them girls look just fine to me, mighty fine.....


Well-Known Member
Just had a random on my grow thread, warning me about temps and humidity and also about my res temps. Why would I fix something that isn't broken. Personally I think my plants are doing ok, dare I say better than ok. I would understand if my plants were looking shit. I'm going to do a res change 2morrow and that should do them until harvest
what are the optimium res temps any way? as for humidity i find mines is usually down around 20% during flower, as for normal temps i'm happy any where from 27oC to 29oC


Well-Known Member
what are the optimium res temps any way? as for humidity i find mines is usually down around 20% during flower, as for normal temps i'm happy any where from 27oC to 29oC
Guy say ure res temps should never go below 65 or plants die. Mine should be dead then coz mine is well below that


Well-Known Member
what are the optimium res temps any way?
72F or 22oC is considered the optimium res temp, you can go a few deg up/down from this without any real problems but you definitely to want to stray too far otherwise pythium will lurk its ugly head. Had it twice and it fucked up my crop.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
there lookin good mate, your about a week n a half further in than me, i wouldnt think theyll double but the will put on a lot more weight if you give them the time!!dont let the impatience get to you!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My DWC happily runs at any temperature :lol: i say happily, maybe they're not happy. but they ust keep on living and doing what they're doing. They must have been sitting at about 45-50 degrees over december.

Looking beautiful. I'm personally a little dubious about how much more weight they'll put on but what do i know, anything could happen :) Looking great though!


Well-Known Member
Just had a random on my grow thread, warning me about temps and humidity and also about my res temps. Why would I fix something that isn't broken. Personally I think my plants are doing ok, dare I say better than ok. I would understand if my plants were looking shit. I'm going to do a res change 2morrow and that should do them until harvest
The guy post in my thread to mate all the time sayin some shit, i just ignore him say thanks for the info he'l soon fuck off lol..............your plants look wicked!!


Well-Known Member
I met up with a girl off the Internet, we got chatting and getting to know each other.

She asked, "What do you love doing most in this life?"

I replied, "Probably drinking with friends."

We paused for a few moments....

She asked, "Don't you want to ask me what I love doing most?"

I said, "I don't need to you fat cunt."