The UK Growers Thread!

This how that shit really went down...

His lightsaber is two colors yo...

Yea totally fckn gay
So just been up and watered me plants and I got some little black fuckin fly's on top of the soil when in water they fly off like....they're not blackfly just little black/blueish fuvkers wtf do I need man...cuz I'm in soil in don't wanna go killing all the benificials naaaaa mean
Get some chillies - hottest you can find - powder will do. Mash em up, add water and strain with coffee filter or tissue and spray everywhere. It won't kill them outright but stops em feeding and dramatically slows reproduction. I sprayed every day for 3 days then every 2nd day for about a week. I don't know how far into flower you are but this may buy you some time. Obviously mold can then be an issue if your airflow /temps aren't good.
Hope that helps
On only 2 weeks in like...cleared the room out last night fly sprayed the litttle cunts fot 5 mins.....cleaned all the room back out again washed the floor and that and then any remaing I just tried to drown them by misting round the bases of the plants .....never had flys in my room before doing my cunting head in not what I be needing man
On only 2 weeks in like...cleared the room out last night fly sprayed the litttle cunts fot 5 mins.....cleaned all the room back out again washed the floor and that and then any remaing I just tried to drown them by misting round the bases of the plants .....never had flys in my room before doing my cunting head in not what I be needing man

What yu need it diamtotmotmtotmotmotaotmacious thingy lmao
Lolol shit yano I've actually got a big bag of the fucker looks like its a sprinkle of that on top of the soil when I get in tonihjt ...orderd my 20 g of white widow as well
They might well be fungus gnats/fruit flies Shawny.

Me and Don both get em quite regular.

You want to let your pots dry out and then water with a strong Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) wash.

I put women's tights round my airports too so they can't get at the roots to feed.

The wetter your medium is the harder they are to get rid of.

They Don't really do any harm to your plants if you keep on top of em but they're a fucking pain in the arse to live with.
Yeh they seem to be living on the surface of the soil where its dry and when I water they come flying out...had me itching like a scabby cunt last neet lol...I'll have a look at this H202 was tbingy....when I get in I'm gonna layer the tops with diatom earth just to see how that goes maybe even a folier spray of it? Little cunts.....Yeh they do look like fruit fly tbh the kind that hang around pineapples n shit....little cunts I'll charge the fuckers rent soon
If it's gnats get gnatrol,cheap n it's organic..sorted me out straight away...well it kills what's in the soil but the strips catch the flies..problem solved
Yeh ibrekon could be fruit flys man don't thinknteyre gnats tbf I get some sticky tape things use my DE and see if that works if not I'll have to get something to hit em hard with....the main attraction for them seems to be the dry layer of soil so just gonna mist is down everyday now as well see if it helps
PM me your PGP key Relapse.

You too Shawny.

I'll get myself one soon as.

Been Sat on a coach across Poland for the last 6 hours, can't wait to get off, fed and watered.
btw it takes 30 posts to be a full member, i literally just posted spam 30 time s and im in, one word posts x 30 and full member, 50 posts give u karma so u can give someone karma or remove it lol fun times, so we will spot u and karma ur arse up and get trading lol