The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
not really mate , should be plain sailing, i just give them light and lots of fresh air, they do the rest,really hope it all goes well for you...........should do, ak is a chunky plant as i remember.
Yeah it looks like a good yielder aswel. Fingers crossed. I'm building the grow area on monday so i'll get pics up then. Need to get some rape tape, all out


Well-Known Member

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cheers for tha link, been meaning and meaning to buy some, have 330 set aside just for the occasion so now i have a few quid for beer left over as well :) I'm still asking for my flatmate to turn around and sk me why the freezer is full of nothing but carrier bags of bud and trim :lol:


Well-Known Member
Cheers for tha link, been meaning and meaning to buy some, have 330 set aside just for the occasion so now i have a few quid for beer left over as well :) I'm still asking for my flatmate to turn around and sk me why the freezer is full of nothing but carrier bags of bud and trim :lol:
And your answer will be..................

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
still asking? still waiting :D But yes, i've yet to think about what my answer would be. Spring greens maybe :D I like to think on the spot. When my brother noticed i'd bought all my hydro gear on his card accidentally, the bank told him the name of the shop to which he asked what i was doing buying from a hydroponic shop, told him it was ph gear for the new fishtank, went down without a question :D Either that or i thwack him on the head and leg it :D


Well-Known Member
Why not tell him the truth, explain that his bedroom is now going to be a mini factory and will now have to sleep on the couch. If he dosen't agree then twat him on the head. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i am somehow getting away with it so i'm just doing as i'm doing. He grew up in an ever so slightly drug liberal country, but is a non toker etc, and seems to chat with his family from dusk till dawn about something or other, o i just have this gut feeling that i'm better off with him not knowing :)


Well-Known Member
Haha, i am somehow getting away with it so i'm just doing as i'm doing. He grew up in an ever so slightly drug liberal country, but is a non toker etc, and seems to chat with his family from dusk till dawn about something or other, o i just have this gut feeling that i'm better off with him not knowing :)
I would still bash him over the head tho, just to be on the safe side. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Inly people i've ever hit around the head have been family members :lol: once with a fist, once with a "ping pong paddle" and once with a can of lynx, i think i could make the exception though if i were to be furnished with say a 5kg salmon :) I'd like to say jackass style but the gags been around a touch longer than them :lol:



Active Member
Hey Griffta, u decided on a strain yet. Anyway guys/girls I found this thread - Crazy
oright billy & evenin all. well tonight is my strain decision night, as I get paid tmrw. the NL that was linked in here a few pages back Nirvana NL fem'd is the front runner. Basically cos its my first grow and NL always seems to be recommended for newbies, plus my worries about growing proper stinky shit that I was on about before.
I'm almost ceertain I'll get it but there's still a little voice saying "thats boring - get confidential cheese" haha. This looks very tempting too jack 47 fem'd
I wanna order through attitude (noticed quite a few other uk seed companies being mentioned on last few pages), what do you lot choose when they give you that option about keeping the seeds in original breeder packs or getting them repacked?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey griffta i'd stick to keeping them in the breeders pack mate, no real reason other than you know your getting exactly what you paid for, another low odur strain that i don't think has been mentioned is serious seeds chronic, it yeilds well and is a nice smoke the only thing i found with it is that it lacks in the taste department, either way best of luck mate


Well-Known Member
oright billy & evenin all. well tonight is my strain decision night, as I get paid tmrw. the NL that was linked in here a few pages back Nirvana NL fem'd is the front runner. Basically cos its my first grow and NL always seems to be recommended for newbies, plus my worries about growing proper stinky shit that I was on about before.
I'm almost ceertain I'll get it but there's still a little voice saying "thats boring - get confidential cheese" haha. This looks very tempting too jack 47 fem'd
I wanna order through attitude (noticed quite a few other uk seed companies being mentioned on last few pages), what do you lot choose when they give you that option about keeping the seeds in original breeder packs or getting them repacked?

grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit a little voice in your head.................


Well-Known Member
oright billy & evenin all. well tonight is my strain decision night, as I get paid tmrw. the NL that was linked in here a few pages back Nirvana NL fem'd is the front runner. Basically cos its my first grow and NL always seems to be recommended for newbies, plus my worries about growing proper stinky shit that I was on about before.
I'm almost ceertain I'll get it but there's still a little voice saying "thats boring - get confidential cheese" haha. This looks very tempting too jack 47 fem'd
I wanna order through attitude (noticed quite a few other uk seed companies being mentioned on last few pages), what do you lot choose when they give you that option about keeping the seeds in original breeder packs or getting them repacked?
ultra skunk ultra skunk ultra skunk ultra a different the other voices brother


Well-Known Member
They're the same ones i've got,well made and good price.
Buy them,they earn their money after the first go!

View attachment 1498015 View attachment 1498017
View attachment 1498035View attachment 1498022View attachment 1498040

The best hash I ever smoked I made myself!
View attachment 1498042
Great to here mate, wasnt too sure about the quality because of the price so glad to hear they're good. You got any tips when using them mate, would be much appreciated?


Well-Known Member
you could make this m8 gumby hash no bags needed just water,ice,buckets and some hose to syphon the water.

heres a 7g ball of blueberry gumby i made ages ago.
That looks minted sambo, would love a nice bit of resin for the odd bucket now n again. I seen that way of doin it but they bubble bags are the same deal just better as far as i know. its only 40 bucks n il use them again n again so i might aswell.


Active Member
hey peeps, got a problem with my plants, their healthy an tht its jus they really stretched, well 2 of them are!! how can i stop tht?? iv always kept them close to the light but they were gettin burnt at the top of the plant!! so had to raise the light!! got pics on my journal!!!


Well-Known Member
That looks minted sambo, would love a nice bit of resin for the odd bucket now n again. I seen that way of doin it but they bubble bags are the same deal just better as far as i know. its only 40 bucks n il use them again n again so i might aswell.
defo m8 go with the sacks if ya got the cash n patience i just didnt at the time i had that batch of trim lol

your get much better hash with the sacks.

sacks or gumby dont fink it will look like the pic tho lol wish i new how to make hash like that?!?

