Ive got a 600w in my 80x80x160 tent, just make sure u use a cooltube and u will be fineWhat a fucking piss take , got my 1x1x2m tent today but it is to big for the area i was going to put it in , so now im looking to get a 80x80x160 tent that will fit perfectly in my area can i still run a 400 watt hps in that or will i have heat problems ? This is the Fan and Carbon filter i have got http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RHINO-HOBBY-CARBON-FILTER-KIT-125-300MM-5-INCH-RVK-FAN-DUCTING-HYDROPONICS-/251686426603?pt=UK_Baby_Baby_Feeding_Bottle_Warmers_Coolers_LE&var=&hash=item3a99ae17eb
I exercised my fingers mate, been sat on my arse playing footy manager all dayEvening lads ... i hope u exercised after that mc ds breakkie this mornin gbhoy ha
thanks m8Yeah pompey they are thirsty, feed the bitches
i should of but hey hoe looks like im going to have to dish out for a another tent then i can finally get this show on the roadIve got a 600w in my 80x80x160 tent, just make sure u use a cooltube and u will be fine
school boy error tho was it not, surely u would measure and make sure what space u had b4 ordering a tent
Im just in for work man gonna give mine a bit of exercise on gta now .... hey man do u know wat all this game share thing is about ?I exercised my fingers mate, been sat on my arse playing footy manager all day
it is a height issue as i live in a bungalow in the roof conversion im like 4 inches of it fittingdoes it not fit or is it too confined a space to put it together in? if it is only a height issue you can hacksaw a few inches off the poles and it will be a lot cheaper than getting a new tent.
Yea man sounds like a great fukn idea ... cause the likes of call of duty i couldn to similar every year in my opinion but i do like playin on line so be grand sum1 can share it with ya ...if you have a game but your friend doesn't then you can invite them to play co op with you. they can only play the game when you invite them and they don't need to ever have owned a copy of the game.
it's a great idea, it will no doubt lead to them selling more games not less as once you have played a game and get hooked you are gonna want to play on without your mate.
the roof is flat were im putting it not like a trianglehack saw the two poles on the side you need to wedge it in. will still work the same just the tent wont fit as tightly. obviously make sure not to cut the bits off that taper out and in as that is where they connect, just take the ends off two of them.
not that hot 78 max i had the light a little close a week back but raised it nowKinda looks a bit heat stressed. How hot is it in there?