The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im here for good time not a long time. booze weed sniff n sleepers the only evils i dont touch are psychedelics and tabs. tabs are for mugs


Well-Known Member
im from leeds, can usually get a good variety of weed up here, berries/k2/white shark/cheese....
its not cheap though aound 180-200 an oz


Hello to everyone! I'm new around here.

Gave up buying weed after the price for an oz of poor quality hit the 200 mark, used to get an oz of Dutch stuff for 120 but unfortunately those days seem long gone. Got 2 PPP and 2 Skunk #1 under 400hps in a grow tent. Only seedlings at the moment. It's my first grow under lights, so quite interested how it progresses, grown for the past few years under the great grow light in the sky.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hello to everyone! I'm new around here.

Gave up buying weed after the price for an oz of poor quality hit the 200 mark, used to get an oz of Dutch stuff for 120 but unfortunately those days seem long gone. Got 2 PPP and 2 Skunk #1 under 400hps in a grow tent. Only seedlings at the moment. It's my first grow under lights, so quite interested how it progresses, grown for the past few years under the great grow light in the sky.
Welcome to RIU!


yeah those days are well past gone man. i saw an oz of £120 weed the other day it smelled like old soap bars used to and was full of seeds. i wouldnt have even cooked with it let alone smoke it. but then again im a weed snob now:lol:

happy growing:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
init, the price is ridicolous now tho, in leeds you get 2g for a henry, chronic or not, luckily the guy i get it off knows a few people that grow it so every now and again he has chronic in, most of the time though he has a good standard of weed! i am getting
bored of berries now though! i enjoy smoking the lemony scented weed, got a really distinct taste when you smoke it!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man its weird everyone down south talks about getting weed in grams worth shit up north is still in henries tho i havent seen a full 3.5 grams in time.

last one i saw was 2.4


Active Member
im south and hens are 20 squid, oz 115 and up, depends who you know
where im from if u get an oz for £120 it will be shite, good weed starts from 150 up2 £190-200.

the less u buy the more it costs, ive seen 2.8g'z going for £30. thats £240 an oz.

get growing!!!

i use for medical reasons so if i didnt grow i wouldnt be able to smoke it as i cannot afford those extreme prices.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah you bet, who can afford it these days, 4 or 5 years ago it was all dutch, my mate was bringing kilos of it over, snow white, white widow, bubblegum, ak47, all for a hundred notes an oz, god bless the old days.


Active Member
yeah you bet, who can afford it these days, 4 or 5 years ago it was all dutch, my mate was bringing kilos of it over, snow white, white widow, bubblegum, ak47, all for a hundred notes an oz, god bless the old days.
those days are long gone, it will be £200 an oz before u know it, and i dont think the prices will drop!!!!!!!.



Well-Known Member
good job we all got our own, used to think growing would be hard but i dont ph or check humidity or anything and dont really get any problems.... i know people who pay a tenner a g, mugs


Well-Known Member
good job we all got our own, used to think growing would be hard but i dont ph or check humidity or anything and dont really get any problems.... i know people who pay a tenner a g, mugs
Dude i went b and q and i have the compost you were talking about, germinating now...


Active Member
but all the money is in the white powder. i must've built around 4 schools and a fuckin hospital in columbia by now.
"White powder" that must be that shit they call coke these days. 10% cocaine 90% lidocaine/bezocaine/washing up powder or any other white powder.

Ill bet any off the coke you buy on the street in the uk is less than 20% pure.


Well-Known Member
"White powder" that must be that shit they call coke these days. 10% cocaine 90% lidocaine/bezocaine/washing up powder or any other white powder.

Ill bet any off the coke you buy on the street in the uk is less than 20% pure.
u better believe it, i used to be quite involved in the whole game but kinda move away from it ( got a young family, don't need the fuckin hassle).some of the shit ive had to return, and its fuckin embarrasin takein £40 from peopl for shit gear. i still have a bit regular but i'm kinda lucky that i know all the local boys and usually get the best in the area. i'm certain it was fuckin 9/11 and 7/7 that fucked it all up. the fuckin security and customs are all over the place now. although i suppose that we've all taken up growing is a silver lineing. at least we're not smoking that fuckin plastic and bootpolish shit!!!:fire:


Active Member
good job we all got our own, used to think growing would be hard but i dont ph or check humidity or anything and dont really get any problems.... i know people who pay a tenner a g, mugs
i totaly agree, i dont mess with my PH at all and dont fuss to much, just let em do their own thing with a bit of love and attention on top and heres what i get on a basic 600w hps home made setup.



Well-Known Member
shit hot mate, wish i had the chance to use a big hps but no way can be done. still just have to do the best you can with what you got

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it was the recession and 9/11 with the increased security the euopean importers wanted more money for the shipments so the quality of the sniff whent through the floor.

i have a good connect where i can get 80-90% straight for 75 a g and it doesnt get cheaper on the henry or up. i think the top man pays 60 a g on the oz.


Well-Known Member
75 a g. christ in a wheelchair!!!!! but i suppose if its decent sniff then its worth it, still better than buying 2 g for 80. round here no one bothers with henrys now, its all 3 for a ton. saves fuckin around wi half grams. although to be honest most cunts are givein u 0.8, i did 0.9 coz the profits were good enuff for me , it worked out aroun £21 a gee i waz payin. we had some gear up here the were callin "peruvian flake", dunno if it was but it was fuckin lethal. it was 80 a g but it was only here 4 around 2 weeks. i had one decnt line and was buzzin (heavily) for about two hours , and i'm no misty eyed begginer!!!