The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning lads l, well I'm in that usual pickle. Shall I back the toon against hull in the early KO coupon and afternoon in one fell swoop....

think ill buy a few scratch cards instead this week. Fucking steve Bruce the Mackem twat.
I done an accum lastnite on a couple games and bayern munich let me dwn they lost 4-1 wtf...


Well-Known Member
Anyone read about those retarded lads (iq below 70) being put to death in texas for murder...they've the intellectual capacity of a 9yr old n it's suppose to be illegal over there but murica! One of the guys last words were it's stinging his arm;shits fucking pathetic.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Anyone read about those retarded lads (iq below 70) being put to death in texas for murder...they've the intellectual capacity of a 9yr old n it's suppose to be illegal over there but murica! One of the guys last words were it's stinging his arm;shits fucking pathetic.
It's Texas.



Well-Known Member
Lool yeah in 2002 they changed the law so that if they are capable of lying or display leadership qualities they can be executed.aparently he struggled tying shoe laces n even counting money!...ugh gonna stop reading this shit now, yank news n politics always puts me in a bad mood.

Apologies was 2004 **
"Under Texas criminal law, as established in the 2004 case ex parte Briseno, defendants might not be exempt from execution if the are able to “hide facts or lie effectively,” “show leadership” or demonstrate an ability to make plans for the future" they changed it after they felt 2 many people would be let off loool this shit boggles the mind.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The USA are the only UN member state except South Sudan who haven't ratified the "UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child".

South Sudan has only been a country for 3 years, it hasn't even got a proper government so they get a pass.

Even Iran and Afghanistan ratified it ffs!
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Well-Known Member
Morning all, just had some coco plugs arrive so time to sit down n do even more snips lol, anyone actually doing anything interesting?


Well-Known Member
Anyone read about those retarded lads (iq below 70) being put to death in texas for murder...they've the intellectual capacity of a 9yr old n it's suppose to be illegal over there but murica! One of the guys last words were it's stinging his arm;shits fucking pathetic.
yeah was abit naughty hay, alot of the states that still topping people can no longer get the right drugs to do it either cause the pharm companys who supply em dont wana be tied with execution etc so they are mixing up all sorts, theres been a few botched ones recently.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeah was abit naughty hay, alot of the states that still topping people can no longer get the right drugs to do it either cause the pharm companys who supply em dont wana be tied with execution etc so they are mixing up all sorts, theres been a few botched ones recently.
I thought that's why they use 3 different drugs, so they can't pinpoint which one killed you so no blame type thing?


Well-Known Member
I thought that's why they use 3 different drugs, so they can't pinpoint which one killed you so no blame type thing?
I thought thats why 3 different people pushed the button to start the process ( so no-one knows which of the 3 buttons actually starts it), never heard of it being why they use 3 drugs tho

I was under the impression they used 1 drug to sedate you so you couldnt fight against it, another to make you unconcious and slow down the heart rate, then another drug to actually stop the heart beating


Well-Known Member
reckon you could try this one yorkie?

got a new bong and honey bee extractor yest so i'll be dabbing soon
he keeps taking deep breathes he's gonna pass out, what a dumbass he wasted so much smoke n still looks lame


Well-Known Member
I thought that's why they use 3 different drugs, so they can't pinpoint which one killed you so no blame type thing?
have a read up about it yman, they are struggling to get the right drugs or the ones that they use to use cause the pharm companys no longer wont to supply them.

but yeah it is spose to be a 3 part jobby an anaesthetic to relieve consciousness and pain, a paralytic to prevent movement, and a drug to stop the heart, causing death.