The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Couldn't give a fuck about your views on immagration. Your telling a guy to chop a plant because its grown some nanas. BAD ADVICE.
PS- Do you like chink weed???? Fuckers are coming over here and stealing our customers with their shitty


Well-Known Member
I think the reason is the disturbed light pattern they had at the end of week 1 of 12/12. I live in a shared house and one of the rooms upstairs had been broken into twice so had to switch everything off one night (9pm-9am light) at 1am for an hr and a bit cos rozzers were banging on my door cos they wanted a statement from everyone in the house and the next time they came at 4am and had to leave for work before they left. The tops don't seem to have been affected as only seem to be male at the bottom so should be easy to control. Was thinking of stripping the bottom half of my plants even though it will mean loosing a few small buds to save the top colas (well when they become colas). Definitely not gonna chuck em as dry as hell where I live right now and need my smoke.
Get the dutch with penetrator, about £20 delivered. Great stuff


Active Member
Couldn't give a fuck about your views on immagration. Your telling a guy to chop a plant because its grown some nanas. BAD ADVICE.
PS- Do you like chink weed???? Fuckers are coming over here and stealing our customers with their shitty
are you stupid? i did not tell him to chop it down i asked how bad it was and said he MIGHT want to chop it depending on how bad it is
lol if people are stupid enough to buy pants weed thats up to them.
does dutch masters work well i have never used it tbh


Well-Known Member
are you stupid? i did not tell him to chop it down i asked how bad it was and said he MIGHT want to chop it depending on how bad it is
lol if people are stupid enough to buy pants weed thats up to them.
does dutch masters work well i have never used it tbh
shit bro things are nt looking good are they !! all dutch master products have worked well for me but never had the need to used reverse as i use clones only but a few bros tell me its the nuts so to cut a plant down be4 covering all angles would b gut renching if you ask me id rather grow the fucker out to atleast try and get some decent seeds frow it any1 that kills hermiesjust because its a hermie needs there head lookin at wot with the price of finding decent seeds an that


Well-Known Member
Couldn't give a fuck about your views on immagration. Your telling a guy to chop a plant because its grown some nanas. BAD ADVICE.
PS- Do you like chink weed???? Fuckers are coming over here and stealing our customers with their shitty
not my custom bro not mine shit after all u get wot you pay 4

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Immigration debate? :lol: Personally, morals and ethics don't even need come into the debate. The country can't support the population increase in neither houses nor jobs, nor economically (benefits etc). The only possible way would be for money to arrive from somewhere, and for them to build across every field they see, and judging by the forest protests, the population isn't too keen on the prospect of a big concrete country. Many know my crazy stance on life in certain areas, some would call it anarchism i guess, i don't know what i'd call it, but i believe in no borders, i should be able to get in a boat and explore, not get stopped by the isreali special forces or arrested when i pull upto what was supposed to be a lovely afternoon on a beautiful beach etc. Everyone should be able to go everywhere, but we have mae this an impossible option. In the modern world everyone lives their lives thiking the supermarkets will suply etc, and as such just have as many kids as they want, because the supermarkets will always supply, noone is being responsible. I like the idea of having a family of a size that you can personally provide for, not indirectly provide for. I mean balckberries from fucking mexico?? they grow wild in the countryside, whatever's left of it, but the demand is not capable of being met by british agriculture. This of course is not soley the peoples fault, the governemnt has it's share of blame, it makes it ahrder and harder, well, as hard as it can, to get people living in this system, look at how they treat travellers (gypsies), i'm not even sure if farmers are able to pay their taxes with their produce like they always did in the past. They don't want ANYONE being self sufficient as that's just less money for them, i mean hell, in america they just classified self sufficiency as civil terrorism, because a bunch of people decided to trade with each other using precious metals isntead of paper dollars, which by law therefore incriminates trading a bundle of logs for a box of apples, you ahve to go via the lmonetary system. Need to see if i can find an update on that story, it was ust absurd.

Rant anyone :lol: not even sure if it was a rant, that was a nice thoughtful 5 minutes for me :) Short story is damn immigrants but only because of the form that "civilisation" takes.


Well-Known Member
got the bubblegum, and for 130 ive got a fucking deal n a half, ive smoked worse weed that ive paid 160-170 for, so thats me set for the weekend