The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And these elongated skulls........


......that Zecharia Sitchin would have us all believe are the Anunnaki human/alien hybrids from Planet X/Nibiru.

Are actually human skulls made by binding the undeveloped heads of babies in rope/bandages, much like the 'Foot Binding' practice from ancient China.

Over 400 have been found since the 1920's and replicas can be bought publicly from



Well-Known Member
those skulls mate, they have a single frontal bone and in humans its paired, divided by a suture (metopic) jk

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
a real one not a kids drawing lol

How many real ones do you want?

download (1).jpg download.jpg human-skull1.jpg images (1).jpg images (3).jpg images (4).jpg images.jpg

"The frontal suture is a dense connective tissue structure that divides the two halves of the frontal bone of the skull in infants and children. It usually disappears by the age of six, with the two halves of the frontal bone being fused together."

"It is present in a fetal skull so that the skull can bend and is very elastic at the time of birth. The baby's head bends when coming out of the mother's womb. The space is filled as the child grows older."

"In some individuals the suture can persist (totally or partly) into adulthood, and in these cases it is referred to as a persistent metopic suture." :-

Hence these children's skulls ALL having a metopic suture......


A perstistent metopic suture in adult human skulls is not normal, nor does an absence of one indicate a non human skull.