The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I used to train alot until about 5yrs ago ... ive a naturally fast metabolism and naturally skinny frame , i got up to 15st with 12%bf when i looked my best... then i got ill a lost shit loads of weight... after that i lost motivation to train and found it hard to get gym into my routine of family life with young kids n work n shit so i just got lazy. .. i still have shape n strengh but just look normal now lol .. weigh about 11.5st id imagine im around 15%bf nowadays.... getting married at end of the year though so its giving me abit of motivation to train again. ...
im more than likely going to lean bulk for abit ... 3000 3500 clean cals a day , high reps with middle of the line weights then prob low weight to failure for last set.
Only looking at gaining very little true mass but looking to tone up ... if it doesnt work after a good few months ill just get some test p , tren a and winstrol lmao


Well-Known Member
Stop being such a comment whore
I used to train alot until about 5yrs ago ... ive a naturally fast metabolism and naturally skinny frame , i got up to 15st with 12%bf when i looked my best... then i got ill a lost shit loads of weight... after that i lost motivation to train and found it hard to get gym into my routine of family life with young kids n work n shit so i just got lazy. .. i still have shape n strengh but just look normal now lol .. weigh about 11.5st id imagine im around 15%bf nowadays.... getting married at end of the year though so its giving me abit of motivation to train again. ...
im more than likely going to lean bulk for abit ... 3000 3500 clean cals a day , high reps with middle of the line weights then prob low weight to failure for last set.
Only looking at gaining very little true mass but looking to tone up ... if it doesnt work after a good few months ill just get some test p , tren a and winstrol lmao
Dont understand this at all?