The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Guys if your interested im using a soil i bought from homebase which is ph 5-6 plants seem to love it. can take pics of compost packet if anyone wants.


Active Member
sorry m8 but that just weed paranoia, if that happend at hydro shops online or not how long do you think they would stay in business???

ex partners, ex friends etc bust more grows than any flir cams or police surrvalence on hydro shops imo.
Actually that's a very good point m8 about the firms not staying in business so I guess I could rule out 2 & 3.

Also somebody made a good point about not using local shops. I think a failsafe strategy would be to a shop not in your area. Park a mile or two away. Get the bike out the boot, cycle to the store, buy the light using cash, bike back to the car (Jason Bourne style!). Sorted! Yep never tell anyone about the grow - always the golden rule.

Yep... that's what I'll do :-)


Well-Known Member
thats settled it then back to soil we go, any reccommendations? potting soil? with or without peat/compost/bark etc
bog standard potting soil from any gardening shop for ur seedlings( avoid b n q own brand, fungus gnat city) and then into miracle grow, 2 x 50 litre for a tenner,and its got built in nutes so don feed the fuckers for the first 3 weeks and then go slow on the nutes( i like bio bizz stuff, fuckin idiot proof(which i most assuredly require)), ive used the same method for around 6 grows and it never fails....i fail often coz im a fuckin crackpot lazy drunk....but i can grow fuckin good weed....when im sober.


Well-Known Member
dura sorry man u know more than me i knows this but fuck me mircale grow man that is gnat city id avoid that shit like the plague.


Well-Known Member
I think you water is pish m8. That could b the prob with your seeds. I use 7ml per litre. Mind ive got good water up here
Yeh everytime I've been upto scotland the water is so soft it barely even washes soap off your hands! haha. That'll be why you can go so high with the nutes.

Online shopping is more secure than walking into a shop. All shops online (apart from the scamming) have to have secure shopping, which means they can't share their info with anyone. The police would need a warrant to get those kind of details and they would need substantial evidence to get them a warrant. Honestly mate, you'll be find ordering a couple CFLs online lol.


Well-Known Member
never had any problems with fungus gnats at all mate apart from that b n q potting stuff, and that only happened the once, prior to that i'd always used it....also meant to say 25 % perlit into the mix.....ive tried other soils but i really do like mg.


Well-Known Member
Yeh everytime I've been upto scotland the water is so soft it barely even washes soap off your hands! haha. That'll be why you can go so high with the nutes.

Online shopping is more secure than walking into a shop. All shops online (apart from the scamming) have to have secure shopping, which means they can't share their info with anyone. The police would need a warrant to get those kind of details and they would need substantial evidence to get them a warrant. Honestly mate, you'll be find ordering a couple CFLs online lol.
You calling us lot dirty bastards. lol


Well-Known Member
ive literally just put one into coco yesterday the other is lookin a little further behind but has cracked maybe in tomorrow. looks like a banger eh. sativa's are the new black man.
defo a banger don, i been looking at her a while gonna split a pack of 18 with a friend and then just swap the best pheno we each get, ive only just discovered the sativa high and want some more of that oh yes lol


Well-Known Member
never had any problems with fungus gnats at all mate apart from that b n q potting stuff, and that only happened the once, prior to that i'd always used it....also meant to say 25 % perlit into the mix.....ive tried other soils but i really do like mg.
used to work at bnq always wierd shit crawling out the cheap composts lol.


Well-Known Member

Thats the soil ive been using and its working wonders sorry only got a camera phone so tried to get best focus i could so u can read details :)

grr cant get the fucking pics to show never had prob before >.<


Well-Known Member
my mates use westlands regularly, they pull decent results with it but tbh no real difference in yeilds than mg although they do use more veg nutes than me but i dont think its that particular westlands line, i think its just the basic stuff.