The UK Growers Thread!

at yman those plants look hungry for that stage of development anyouve had to snip a leaf or two to keep the photo green, leaves should be deepr green and shiney by now not lime green and papery but nice clean grow room as always

What you're seeing is a mixture of the HDR function on the Mrs 'HTC One' that I took the shots with, genetic colour and the big blue CFL bulb hanging behind my right shoulder.

I've snipped the edges of some leaves to stop the leaves growing out deformed around the necrotic patches (I do this regularly if you notice) after an early on (3 months ago) slight Magnesium deficiency (on 1 plant) that wasn't noticeable until it started to fix up (sometimes it's best to look at the leaves from underneath rather than from above to notice things so slight), early on Mag defs are part and parcel of coco growing, the severity is strain specific.

Not all plants should be deep green and shiney, that more often than not indicates an over abundance of Nitrogen.
It wouldn't be possible to get these plants like you describe at this stage without clawing and burning them (the purple is just starting to claw now).

In all fairness the kushy one could do with a bit but seen as I can make up custom feeds it's not something I'm worried about.

Thank's for your observations but I hardly need growing advice from Billy 'tied to the wife's apron strings' Bullshit.
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Point I'm Trying to make is every transfer with localbitcoins goes to that wallet I'm paranoid so I transfer to another wallet on my phone then to agora.. That's what I meant sorry for any confusion the wallet on localbitcoins is iffy...small changes but ur coins get tossed around like a whore at a coke fest so hard to track
Point I'm Trying to make is every transfer with localbitcoins goes to that wallet I'm paranoid so I transfer to another wallet on my phone then to agora.. That's what I meant sorry for any confusion the wallet on localbitcoins is iffy...small changes but ur coins get tossed around like a whore at a coke fest so hard to track

Yea i dnt buy anything of localbit just use it to transfer from the atm suppose i cud go strait from atm to ag but fck it