The UK Growers Thread!

aye it's still AWOL. glad my orders shipped well the guy said so. haha

i reckon unclebuck only comes for the banter. i don't think the yanks have/get banter.
Nah they can't take I re likw us we give him a rise bet he was either a single children or the baby.. Or maybe mommy n daddy traveled alot n neglected their poor baby so he fwels any form of human interaction /conflic will patch those little holes
in his heart
But sadly he doesn't care what attention he gets positive or negative as long as his meager existence is agnolaged
another one down the rabbit hole haha
He's right man you'll g q t hooked to stary with i was ordering 8ths of cola when I first got on so be careful n if ahit hits the fan u can g e t a new identity..but sticking with the rabbit hole u will get curiouser n curiouser
sr1 use to even have hitmen for hire lol they got rid of that section tho after a shortish while, but when i first used the site it was still about, use to be quite a few selling services such as arson, breaking bones no killing lol swatting was offered up by many for not much coin.

yeah lax its down for all, forum is up tho.
only thought about Dapoxetine and viagra cos kids going to there nans for a week in july so me and the gf is going away for a week sun sea sand beer and sex been with her 14 years dont really have much lone time due to have kids so i wanna make the most of it