The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i dunno the strain as giving 5 seeds 4 popped. should off killed off one off the four as really struggled 1st 2 wks but im a sucker for th underdog and now its going mental big growth. think mayb two diff strains one a lem sknk or cheese by smell and other is shorter and branchs growing differently. mayb couple male i cant b sure till i do 12/12. all i no is when my mate gave me them he said high grade. sun will post pict and hope some one here spots the strains as would b help picking which nutes
thats soil for you, nothin but problems, hows humidity, need it in veg................not a clue i have...........yoda


Well-Known Member
My daughters black boyfriend tragically died last night.

The doctors said if I had managed to get him to hospital 20 minutes sooner he would have survived.

At least I now know Niggers don't go to the Vets.


Well-Known Member
My daughters black boyfriend tragically died last night.

The doctors said if I had managed to get him to hospital 20 minutes sooner he would have survived.

At least I now know Niggers don't go to the Vets.


Well-Known Member
They sent my census form back, in answer to the question "Do you have any dependants" I put "Asylum seekers, gypos, smackheads, unemployable bastards, the cast of The Jeremy Kyle Show, Northen Rock, RBS, and half of fuckin Eastern Europe"...apparently this wasn't an acceptable answer.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Fucking fantastic. BAd bad bad dangerous man of course, but uk cops on camera might finally have something that almost resembles a car chase at last :D not a bad clip that young lad's going.

I don't however, see how a police driving course, would make them immune to prosecution for dangerous driving. If a kid walked into the road, that police car was going 70 in the residential, well... they should not be able to chase a car that is deemed as driving dangerously and over the limit, and then follow them in such fashion, other than a driving course, a siren and lights surely should not be used as reason for it not being dangerous driving.

I really want to read up further on the story i read on a bloke who could not be pursued by police regardless of his infractions, because he was on a motorbike and not wearing a helmet :D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
thats soil for you, nothin but problems, hows humidity, need it in veg................not a clue i have...........yoda
i spray them 2 3 times aday in fine mist should b ok i dont have a humidity tester fella or woteva they called. was dong it on cheap and get more grow toys as i go along. so far spent 50 notes on light soil and greenhouse termometer,will b 250 by end week that will do me till i harvest. i wanna try leds down th line the new generation looks good. do you use superthrive or any plant healthcare products? also i notice the yanks nd canadians in there medical grows use flushing fluid not just water, r these important? and they seem use 2 0r 3 diff ferts on flowering like a basic one then few weeks later add a booster then final couple weeks a carb feed? this sounds to me like over kill?
I was told by a traffic cop directly that they were not allowed to chase bikes ridden by riders with no helmet in case the riders come off and hurt themselves!!!!!!! Since then I have seen illegal off roaders ridden with no helmets overtake police cars more than once and neither time did the cops give chase. Cant have the little scallywags hurting their poor selves.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'll read up on the legalities of it before i go nuts ;) last offroader i was on was not road legal and had been chased by police cars and helicopters for 4 hours prior to purchase haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck me that lads giving it some. Love videos like that, quite often find myself watching 'road wars' or whatever when I'm struggling with late night tele.
haha, you're psychic, youtube has some crackers, especialy the live american broadasts where they have to remain "oh no, oh dear nooo" when they thinking "hahahaha dick just got creamed!"

The little things in life entertain me :D


Well-Known Member
They sent my census form back, in answer to the question "Do you have any dependants" I put "Asylum seekers, gypos, smackheads, unemployable bastards, the cast of The Jeremy Kyle Show, Northen Rock, RBS, and half of fuckin Eastern Europe"...apparently this wasn't an acceptable answer.
Alight Dura mad man, long time no talk lad. I put a Vid. clip up last week dont know if you caught it ? but I'll jump over to your thread and leave the link bro.



Well-Known Member
thats a monster sambo........................hi lumateks at 3 counties at mo.............250=66................400=90...........600 for 108..........just got me a 250 for my small cab........going to dump the enviro..


Well-Known Member
had to go to casualty today. I got a mobile phone stuck up my arse.
The doctor said, "Erm .. your notes say that you came in with a broken finger?"
I said, "Yeah I did .. I just got bored of waiting"


Well-Known Member
A farmer buys a young cock. Soon as it comes home, it rushes off and shags aw 150 hens. The farmer is impressed. At lunch, the cock again screws aw 150 hens. The farmer gets tense day, he finds it shagging the ducks,geese and even the sheep dogs. Later, the farmer finds the cock pale, half-dead and vultures circling overhead.
The farmer says, "You deserve it you horny bastard."
The cock opens one eye and says, "Shoosh! They're aboot to land!"


Well-Known Member
awrite buddy, howzitgaun...left ye message....that was fuckin class mate!!
Aye just got it Pal. As i said some funny shizzle eh bro. Hahaha :) I see you'r full of carry on tonight again, that mobile phone joke, " c'mon, you got one messed up mind brother lol "
Ive got something bleeping near my T.V that's on mute, but never heard this noise coming from anywhere before ???? " las, what u put in that butter??? "



Well-Known Member
Aye just got it Pal. As i said some funny shizzle eh bro. Hahaha :) I see you'r full of carry on tonight again, that mobile phone joke, " c'mon, you got one messed up mind brother lol "
Ive got something bleeping near my T.V that's on mute, but never heard this noise coming from anywhere before ???? " las, what u put in that butter??? "

only thing that keeps me fae gaun insane mate is ma sense o humour!!


Well-Known Member
morning uk

looks like a nice day out there any1 got any nice plans for the day apart from getting stoned lol im smoking some power africa from seedsman pretty nice smoke tbh especially for the price and its a big yielding quick finishing sativa cross, nice daytime smoke not as nice as my future daytime smokes SLH and Mango Haze but these things take time unfortunatly.

ark at me anyway daytime smokes, il smoke anything at anytime aslong as it gets ya stoned lol

this is me critical mass will be the 1st time i vegged her so long b4 12/12 shit picture but im happy with how shes growing so far if height is a issue its a great strain hardly stretchs up in flower at all.

