The UK Growers Thread!

lol yeah dont think your be fiending for codeine m8 with 120mg but hope ya get better soon fucking flu in this weather sod that.

haha cheers mate. it really does suck, can see the sun from here but cant get out in it!

what you been on with dura?

glad to hear your plants are on the mend billy.
I'm pooped! Went out for a get together and havn't eaten of slept since i got up saturday morning. Lots and lots of alcohol and lots and lots of smakage so it's all lovely jubbley, dropped by my parents house to drop off a couple of easter presents and found a big packet of finest streaky bacon in the fridge so win!

Ahahaha, it sometimes catches me out, but i remain calm, the woman i just saw, not quite so keep calm and carry on. I am of course talking about self-checkout :D he was a really posh outwardly rich 40 odd year old trophy mum who couldn't comprehend "please put your item in the bagging area" and was just stood there hitting the machine with her product because it wouldn't scan gaffing off rather loudly about how incredibly frustrating it is and making lots of "look at me" huffs and such. I could have helped but she seemed arrogant :D
wots up boys starving as always i see lol not been on 4 long to much to do and dogs 2 see and all is well on my side of the ship 20 rooted clones 6 days veg 1 week into flower and everythin looking sweet ill update as often as i can and might even start a journal if theres much interest but im still trying to learn as i go with this style of growin anyway hope all is well with all yas !!!
Bah, sod journals, i ditched mine, felt they were too focused towards one person, i like dumping pics into this thread where everyone ha their place :D

I'm downing stella rolling a joint eating pork scratchings and watching daddy day care :lol: someone slap me outta it!
haha cheers mate. it really does suck, can see the sun from here but cant get out in it!

what you been on with dura?

glad to hear your plants are on the mend billy.
just the strongbow and gin although i musta done about 4 grams of sniff as well, thank fuck i dont pay for the stuff!!
Pics from day 19
i trimmed 1 set of fan leaves to allow more light into the bushy side branches.
still looks pretty good to me. what u lot think?
I got stopped outside Boots today by a woman with a clipboard. "What grooming products do you use?", she asked.
You should have seen the look on her face when I said "Facebook, Haribo & puppies".
just the strongbow and gin although i musta done about 4 grams of sniff as well, thank fuck i dont pay for the stuff!!

gin an cider makes for a horrible hangover, add into that a coke comedown and a crusty nose, I imagine you've had a quality bank holiday monday lol.

codeine report. makes it so you can't shit, but when you do, it smells like mouldy rhizotonic. worst "painkiller" ever.
gin an cider makes for a horrible hangover, add into that a coke comedown and a crusty nose, I imagine you've had a quality bank holiday monday lol.

codeine report. makes it so you can't shit, but when you do, it smells like mouldy rhizotonic. worst "painkiller" ever.

Welcome to the world of Another cracking morning
Just got the sack for not being talkative enough to other colleagues. What a way to start the week. Lesson 1: if the boss is female get the fuck outta there! Down to my lat 8th as well, not good timing.

Means that despite a pointless hour walk, i now have the day off to play grand theft auto :D
i got sacked before for talking to much to colleagues on one my 1st jobs. thought idea off work was get ya head down and get job done? sounds like a job you could do without.
Any yous out there thinking buying bit kit for grow rooms based in uk have a look online on e bay at hydro-superstore email the guy mark. ive been haggling near week and got a good deal. spent 250 and got bout 90 quid extra goods altogether. got tent,fan/filter combo kit and 5 inch clip on fan, ph pen, shit load nutes and plant health care,trimmers,measuring pots. i did try get at 200 i was being a proper cheeky sod. Was wanting at near half price but he wasnt playing ball. its a proper shop in norwich if any yous want details or phone number give me a shout as really didnt expect get as cheap. think his e bay name mark-e-mart or something. will keep you posted if any problems.
I find retail stores tend to be a bit more generous unless they're a very busy shop, they often have very veyr good markups on things, nutes etc have sell by dates, and they just sometimes need to move some stock, a 20% markup on a product may not be a 50% markup but it's better than no sale at all :)

That is how i work, i block out any external stimulus such as conversation or the internet etc and just crack on with my work, my output was probably close to double that of any other employee, but nope, i wasn't communicative enough and they didn't like that, they wanted someone that would stop for tea breaks and natter about relationships while not replying to emails, that kind of professionalism, not this slap dash hard working nonsense. Kinda glad to be out though, there were some rotten apples employed, just out for themseles, so now i've plenty of time to do whatever, seen a good job in a local deli which would be great, but also been offered £6 an hour to potter around the parents garden getting high and planting fruit and herbs etc, with playstation breaks with my brother when i feel like it. Sounds like it might be a plan.
ah fuckin hate second day hangovers! the roughness is away but the shits are still here, along with that depressed outlook. jist sitting watching tv feeling that anything else would be completely pointless.................poor me .
howay lad chin up itll all be reet the morrow, retreat to ya duvet and wank for your life. youll feel better in nea time. few tins and a takeaway the neet.
what a complete piss take ttt, sounds like you'd be perfectly suited to a job at the bank. Some of those guys end up living in their cubicles, making huge £££ and developing a huge coke addiction haha.

EDIT: Can plants become droopy from underwatering as well as overwatering?
what a complete piss take ttt, sounds like you'd be perfectly suited to a job at the bank. Some of those guys end up living in their cubicles, making huge £££ and developing a huge coke addiction haha.

EDIT: Can plants become droopy from underwatering as well as overwatering?

yes, they droop heavily if underwatered, but within 2 or 3 hours of watering they'll be standing back up proudly mate. i do it all the fuckin time coz im a forgetfull drunk...thats why im planning on hydro from now on
howay lad chin up itll all be reet the morrow, retreat to ya duvet and wank for your life. youll feel better in nea time. few tins and a takeaway the neet.

im kinda used to it but it makes me lazy and irritable......and my g/f is comin over to my flat later....this combination usually means arguments on the horizon!!
im kinda used to it but it makes me lazy and irritable......and my g/f is comin over to my flat later....this combination usually means arguments on the horizon!!

aye i know what you mean, my lass always decides she wants to go out shopping or wants me to hoover the gaff when im lying fucked up on the couch the next day. its easier just to have a bit nookie and she soon forgets.... that or a blazing row and fuck off out for a drink... depends on the severity of the heedsplitter