Well-Known Member
is that true? we don't get that product hereIt all starts w a thick coat of this product.
View attachment 3448290
is that true? we don't get that product hereIt all starts w a thick coat of this product.
View attachment 3448290
criminal record m8Why not? If it's no too personal a question
looks nice n tasty man i can never keep enough back me lolThe ssh smells really nice and smokes nice I wanted to cure the ssh to get the flavours out of it but unfortunately it s only been curing 3 days and is all sold I have kept back 12 oz for my self I had 8 cheese under 2 lights but the ssh has absolutely out performed I weighed 25 oz of ssh of 5 plants 1 plant was a moma plant thou was a massive bush by sold 40 oz and rest is for getting me through till next harvest.
naw just messin, it's an oil product that will clog up the stomata and basically ruin a plant. it's an ongoing joke between me mates and eyeis that true? we don't get that product here
load of shitethe new poltergeist isnt getting very good reviews, i member the original tho fuck that was scary when ya was a kid lol
@Merlot have you watched hannibal the series?
na mate , how dare youAre you a cop, taxer or a snitch jayboss ?
lol niceabout a pound and one plant i show you how grasshopper
load of shite
Get 7k off the boss lady merlot 4 a box
fucking hard stopping i give up trying good on you stick it out they the real killerssober as muthafucker here hulk, looks like its gonna be staying that way too lol i carnt drink without smoking the cigs and wana get of the em so yeah fuck all.
fucking hard stopping i give up trying good on you stick it out they the real killers
lol they should help i just stopped taking morphine 3 days ago hence a few drinks them pain killers was getting a grip man im good tho next on the detox list is cigs AGAIN lolyeah i no that mate, hence why im doing me best to kick em, got 10g of 00 and 40 2mg clonzepam on route tho lol