The UK Growers Thread!

Smelled the part if i remember correctly. Defo no cure. Lucky if 5 days hanging. Lol

m8 if mine is 7days hanging then thats as good in this day n age as a 6wk cure but the bloke i got the bubblegum off is a real free the weed nutjob and it defo was a 6wk cure the smoke really tasted like bubblegum.
m8 if mine is 7days hanging then thats as good in this day n age as a 6wk cure but the bloke i got the bubblegum off is a real free the weed nutjob and it defo was a 6wk cure the smoke really tasted like bubblegum.

Lol. Free the weed nutjob. Jimmy im 30 now and still feel like im in ma youth. Thinks theres a problem
Damn, i can't be up after midnight and be functional at work the net day, i grew old overnight. Can't even handle a drink before 8pm or so, i'lll just fall asleep.
Got another 10 years on ya mate lol sometimes feel like an old codger mind you having a fucked up back and dodgy foot from falling off a roof dont help lol i was off my head doing a roofing job smoking a real nice bit of green enjoying the weather forgot where the ladder was and ended up doing a swan dive onto the patio. It hurt like hell lol.
Dunno might of been able to walk away without a scratch got a tough nut lol. As i was i was working on my own and the guy whos house it was was out im sparko on the patio came too and my phone was about 30 feet way by the shed on my tool box had to crawl to get it took fucking ages called the mrs first told her i would be late for dinner and could she call the guy whos house it was and get his address then call 999 lol. What a fucking day that was.
i member being a labourer in london 10yrs ago n a bloke falling from the upstairs windows on this big mansion in west london geezer broke a good few bones wasnt a pretty site lol i still member his screams lol
I felt like screaming lol, ive had pain before but nothing like that even tho i was stoned outa my head it hurt like fuck lol fractured my heel bone in 3 places broke my arm and crushed two discs in my back, a day ill never forget.
I felt like screaming lol, ive had pain before but nothing like that even tho i was stoned outa my head it hurt like fuck lol fractured my heel bone in 3 places broke my arm and crushed two discs in my back, a day ill never forget.

fucking el m8 thats harsh lol ive always thought of me cuzon whos a roofer and how the fuck he could do it after a smoke lol did ya get a claim outa it?
Nah the guy i was doing the job for is a very good friend kinda look at him as a second dad always looked out for me didnt fancy sticking in a claim besides it was my own stupid fault lol been up and down ladders for years always aving a puff and never a problem yet on this particular day i was away with the fairys and wasnt paying attention. Lesson learned dont puff and climb ladders lol.
easy all. any yous got a tt100 inline fan with filter? if so how do you connect the fan to filter? proper fiddley with them clamp things. wanted to set it up so filter in tent with fan connected to it then connected to th tubing and out top tent. but cant get it on proper keeps popping off when raised in air, but thinking b easier butcher the tube in two and connect extra bit to filter and fan and the rest running off that that way has abit off slack when hanging between filter and fan. have bin trying all day takes mickey.any yous use biobizz often. i got th whole range i think and not sure wot u do with additives? and can you run the grow/veg one all through grow as has low nute count compaired to alot off th others around. can it run same time as the bloom and topmax? any yous used the heaven and alg i mic and roots and also the leave coat spray by biobizz? got the fish food stuff to seems like slightly weaker vegging one but i could b wrong. used alittle revive today seems helping leafs out alittle. looked at there biobiz web site but not alot info on using combos off the stuff
im good i got some good shit happy days im not even capable of thinking about anything else to write about even after reading back pages >.<

fuck me 2 seconds to type 10 minutes to typo/spell check :D
easy all. any yous got a tt100 inline fan with filter? if so how do you connect the fan to filter? proper fiddley with them clamp things. wanted to set it up so filter in tent with fan connected to it then connected to th tubing and out top tent. but cant get it on proper keeps popping off when raised in air, but thinking b easier butcher the tube in two and connect extra bit to filter and fan and the rest running off that that way has abit off slack when hanging between filter and fan. have bin trying all day takes mickey.any yous use biobizz often. i got th whole range i think and not sure wot u do with additives? and can you run the grow/veg one all through grow as has low nute count compaired to alot off th others around. can it run same time as the bloom and topmax? any yous used the heaven and alg i mic and roots and also the leave coat spray by biobizz? got the fish food stuff to seems like slightly weaker vegging one but i could b wrong. used alittle revive today seems helping leafs out alittle. looked at there biobiz web site but not alot info on using combos off the stuff

m8 im too wrecked to go into detail but ava look at me journal or the last few pics ive posted in the uk thread u really carnt grow worng with bio-bizz
easy all. any yous got a tt100 inline fan with filter? if so how do you connect the fan to filter? proper fiddley with them clamp things. wanted to set it up so filter in tent with fan connected to it then connected to th tubing and out top tent. but cant get it on proper keeps popping off when raised in air, but thinking b easier butcher the tube in two and connect extra bit to filter and fan and the rest running off that that way has abit off slack when hanging between filter and fan. have bin trying all day takes mickey.any yous use biobizz often. i got th whole range i think and not sure wot u do with additives? and can you run the grow/veg one all through grow as has low nute count compaired to alot off th others around. can it run same time as the bloom and topmax? any yous used the heaven and alg i mic and roots and also the leave coat spray by biobizz? got the fish food stuff to seems like slightly weaker vegging one but i could b wrong. used alittle revive today seems helping leafs out alittle. looked at there biobiz web site but not alot info on using combos off the stuff

I use tt fans in my cabs, you got the right clamps? should ave these fast clamp thingies about 2" wide with foam in the middle they tighten by two screws and work well gonna need to support the filter/fan tho bungees are good here.
whilst were on fans anyone know were i can get a really small fan ? tried tesco direct etc couldnt find one small enough in a decent budget
I use tt fans in my cabs, you got the right clamps? should ave these fast clamp thingies about 2" wide with foam in the middle they tighten by two screws and work well gonna need to support the filter/fan tho bungees are good here.

got 2m clamps but no foam and one screw on them. got kinda bungy things they r abit weak arsed tho. even got mate with tiny hands have ago but even lady hands couldnt do it. will do abit of diy with the hose as need done before weekend to move me gals. wont b perfect but all good.