The UK Growers Thread!


You lot are pricks, prove myself? Prove what? I'm not here to prove anything to you lot, i don't want to be buddy's and i don't want to take long warm showers with you either. I came on here to maybe learn something but obviously I'mnot going to learn off you cunts coz you ddon't kow shit.
uk thread it says I'm front Clapham, last time i looked out the fuckin windows it was gray and miserable, so it must be uk if u don't want to help me then I'll fuck off to somewhere that can.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
You lot are pricks, prove myself? Prove what? I'm not here to prove anything to you lot, i don't want to be buddy's and i don't want to take long warm showers with you either. I came on here to maybe learn something but obviously I'mnot going to learn off you cunts coz you ddon't kow shit.
uk thread it says I'm front Clapham, last time i looked out the fuckin windows it was gray and miserable, so it must be uk if u don't want to help me then I'll fuck off to somewhere that can.
I prefer to use co2 during flowering.


Well-Known Member
You lot are pricks, prove myself? Prove what? I'm not here to prove anything to you lot, i don't want to be buddy's and i don't want to take long warm showers with you either. I came on here to maybe learn something but obviously I'mnot going to learn off you cunts coz you ddon't kow shit.
uk thread it says I'm front Clapham, last time i looked out the fuckin windows it was gray and miserable, so it must be uk if u don't want to help me then I'll fuck off to somewhere that can.
Ok see ya then. Have fun somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Thanks abe. Hulk....your a pussy!!
Yeah ok cheers for that, no sir you are the fucking pussy that can't handle a bit of vicious banter. If your British u should know the humor for fuck sake. Obviously your too far up your own arse u can't have a laugh.
Away to another thread for shitty grow advice. You won't get much in here this is like a weed Facebook for most the lads in here. We chat have a laugh and shit. With the odd grow tip chucked on for good measure. If that's not for you then move on and find somewhere else to get advice.


I don't mind banter but it sounded a bit personal, this is the first thread, chat room or anything I've ever been on and it's hard to get how people say things, im a hot headed muthafukas if I think people are takin the piss.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind banter but it sounded a bit personal, this is the first thread, chat room or anything I've ever been on and it's hard to get how people say things, im a hot headed muthafukas if I think people are takin the piss.
you ve been told to take the verbals from the hulk and still bitch like a faggot when gives it out, lol prob a rite c imo lmfao


U lot are fuckin mental, not one of you would say that to my face, just hide behind your computers wankin over hulk the leader. It's like a playschool in here. Unemployed benifits scrounging mugs.
In joy life in your bedroom at your mums house pretending to grow. Goodbye loosers

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
U lot are fuckin mental, not one of you would say that to my face, just hide behind your computers wankin over hulk the leader. It's like a playschool in here. Unemployed benifits scrounging mugs.
In joy life in your bedroom at your mums house pretending to grow. Goodbye loosers
Hulks the leader now? FUCK, I missed a lot...