The UK Growers Thread!

my guesses:

sambo made one of his cakes, ate the whole thing and is just way too stoned

billy got lost in his jungle
my guesses:

sambo made one of his cakes, ate the whole thing and is just way too stoned

billy got lost in his jungle

well i PM`ed sambo 3-4 days ago and havent had a reply yet and ive been expecting a call from billy for the last few days as well that hasnt materialised yet either :-s
we are being picked off 1 by 1.............they are some chunky looking plants you got there guna smash your last grow........

Sure hope i do mate!!..............wonder who's next lol

yeah it is a bit weird, also seems like sambo has vanished as well? havent seen or heard from either of em in days

Its freakin me out now!

alien abductions.............could be mork from predator

.............or maybe a critter?!?
i have taken more drugs this week than i reallly thinki should have .....startinto feel a bit ill....mite need a detox week.oh god this is not pleasant....
Airpots = trees


hello fellow brits an bots, so my cab is wooden, 1m x 1m x 1 1/2 m...... igot a hi power 4 inch ruck and 5 inch low power ruck pulling air out with large passive 1 x 600 in there, do you think the fans will cope with me adding a 400 watt............
hello fellow brits an bots, so my cab is wooden, 1m x 1m x 1 1/2 m...... igot a hi power 4 inch ruck and 5 inch low power ruck pulling air out with large passive 1 x 600 in there, do you think the fans will cope with me adding a 400 watt............

you got open bulbs or cool tube/hood things? you might get away with it now but come the summer its probably going to fry your bairns