Well-Known Member
It makes a massive difference, especially when it gets bigger. Turn it down a bit at night. The wee turny thing at the back or buy fucking ear plugs
just wondering, if your doing a dwc and the air pump packs in how much hassle is gonny cause ? i mean could it be switched off at nite and then on again in the morning? the oxygen isnt gonna leave the water in a matter of hours so will it treally harm them, it doesnt create problems for a fish tank? the reason i ask is that i tried a 4 pot dwc in my bedroom but the sound of the fuckin air pump was jist too much tae sleep thru.
I raised themas high as i can. Put another fan in tonight. Opened the tent doors. Alot more work than i thit 16
I know del. Just hope i get
Could anyone recommend a really quiet 125mm ext fan? I need something that is whisper quiet or very close to that.