The UK Growers Thread!

It makes a massive difference, especially when it gets bigger. Turn it down a bit at night. The wee turny thing at the back or buy fucking ear plugs
just wondering, if your doing a dwc and the air pump packs in how much hassle is gonny cause ? i mean could it be switched off at nite and then on again in the morning? the oxygen isnt gonna leave the water in a matter of hours so will it treally harm them, it doesnt create problems for a fish tank? the reason i ask is that i tried a 4 pot dwc in my bedroom but the sound of the fuckin air pump was jist too much tae sleep thru.

They drowned, maybe not over night but it wont do em any favours as it can also promote pythium it will also slow growth, gotta keep air pump on 24hrs a day in DWC. Blagdon air pumps are real quiet so quiet infact you can sleep easily in the same room with one of these pumps, been through more air pumps than i care to remember and these are excellent bits of kit.
Gonna need to get that lamp as high as poss for a few days billy, add another fan if ya can only gonna get worse mate with summer time approaching. Burnt few plants before myself, pull the worst leaves they are no good now they should be ok but ya gonna need to keep on top of the heat issue, what extraction setup you got mate.
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said "Stop! Don't do it!" "Why shouldn't I?" he said. "Well, there's so much to live for!" "Like what?" "Well... are you a Religious?" He said yes. I said, "Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?" "Christian." "Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant ? "Protestant." "Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" "Baptist" "Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?" "Baptist Church of God!" "Me too! Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?" "Reformed Baptist Church of God!" "Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?" He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!" I said, "Die, you fucking heretic scum", and pushed him off.
why no drap a cpl o 400's in ? ahve a 400 ballast and bulb sittin if ye neeed it for afew weeks mate. even jist taken 200 watts awy shld drap it a bit.
ahve ran 2 x 600 watts in a chamber wae a large 24" oscillating fan a small 6" clip fan anda 5" inch heavy duty extractor in a room that had the windows open all the time . it wasa fuckin nitemare and that was right thru the winter...and u know where aboots ah live so u know that our winters are heavy. they pump oot a lotta heat. ahll never go above 800 or 1000 watts at most again unless i go for cool tube lights.
Could anyone recommend a really quiet 125mm ext fan? I need something that is whisper quiet or very close to that.

they all make a certain amount o noise, i've never heard of a totally silent one, at the end of the day its a spinning fan so its goin to make noise no matter how good the bearings on it are. mite be better off building a wooden box lined with foam to muffle the sound.
I was thinkin the same billy mate, my humidity has gone up from like 35-40% to 55-60% these last few days been fuckin humid as shit where im at, startin to worry me a bit dont want any pestds in my room or mold :(