The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to try the glue! The way ghetto has described it makes it sound fucking amazing. As soon as I get a cut I'll be growin it till I can take a cpl cuts then flower the bitch out ! I need a change from Exo and psy !


Well-Known Member
Anyone else having issues with the site. I've posted a few posts that aren't showing and it was nothing the mods would remove. Also it's showing me old notifications in the top corner and taking over 5 mins to show new posts on the threads !


Active Member
Not as nice as when I splash on your sister while your Mrs licks my arse lol
She told me she needs a real man not a boy on drugs, found it funny as I was sprinkling more coke on her vag, lmao she needed a little numbing as she never had a real cock before,


Well-Known Member
Not as nice as when I splash on your sister while your Mrs licks my arse lol
She told me she needs a real man not a boy on drugs, found it funny as I was sprinkling more coke on her vag, lmao
Still not as good as when I fucked your mum up the shitter while your dad watched as I fingered your dead sister #necrofuntimes and that was before I rolled out the drugs, then shit really got fucked up !

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Not as nice as when I splash on your sister while your Mrs licks my arse lol
She told me she needs a real man not a boy on drugs, found it funny as I was sprinkling more coke on her vag, lmao she needed a little numbing as she never had a real cock before,
lol boy on drugs n you're wasting sniff on her vag, do me a favour.. Try blowing it up her arse you'll have more fun


Well-Known Member
it's reached the #necromumtimes has it haha
Well it's almost 9pm and the beers have kicked in so why the fuck not ? This cunt is a little twat ! Thinks he's a big man on the tinternet, I'd like to see him say shit so half the guys in here in person he'd be leaving on a stretcher !