las fingerez
Well-Known Member
oh and thats a wicked plan 

hence my wanting to look into legal bud, so it's all the more humilliating should it ever come to be.
i have to say. i'm at the stage in my life where i'm not wanting a job for the sake of a job, that is to say mundane generic job. i'm spending most of my spare time trying to think about possible avenues to take my life in a mjor way. i'm pretty much set to hand in my notice for work as it is, and i've always pondered and debated moral legal issues with the family (lawyers! who don't like pot!) and i'm slowly beginning to think i'd like to try and genuinely actively persue some sort of cannabis decriminalisation thing. be it by being offensive in conjunction with a seperate party acting on the court level, or to look into law school and all that lot and realyl try and go for it, being something i totally and absolutely believe in, not because of what cannabis does for me, and lot in terms of my depression, a whole lot, but mainly on it's status in relation to things like alcohol cigarettes etc etc the morality of forcing a black market and violenve instead of provoding for oneself to re-invest money in legit citizen employing businesses etc.
lots of think has been done anmd to be done
my tank was in the kitchen..but the army demanded its return ...boom boommy tank is in my kitchen now and the cats dunt even know they there any more.