The UK Growers Thread!

i want to go noodle some lobster near holy island this year. my pal knows a secret spot. mind noodling lobster is with a bit of rebar not your hands lol.
haha useing rebars takes the fun away from noodle never done it my self ive always moved away from the big crabs and lobstars when i was working on the boats
Haha not something I'd do but saying that did ya see that video on Facebook about the bush ppl they put one leg in a snake hole to catch the snakes
Was telling Don the other day about this. Occasionally a fairy may fly to my sisters. Last fairy got her wings stuck at the PO. She went to post office as she had another parcel to collect. Dudes told her to come back the next day as they couldn't find it. She goes back next day and is told it's at security so she walked out lol. Next thing there's a plod at her door. She asked the guy if he had nothing better to do with his which he replied. "Just waiting for my pension love". He said he was just there to check to see if she knew what was in the envelope. She said of course I know. He said ok and then walked off case closed Watson. She shouts as he leaves....just drop the package at the front door I am feeling kind of stressed....he just laughed and kept on his way. Weird.