The UK Growers Thread!

one double-ard bastard of a dog, pepper sprayed,beaten,tasered to the gonads and it still dont give up shiiiiiit....

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I need to get mine chopped ASAP. might take a day off work and just blast it. doing 3 hours a night or the weekend sounds like a PITA but then again it's gonna piss down apparently
not sure I can be arsed, been stung 4 times since SR1 now. I need to have break from the whites for a bit, splitting with the missus and no ammo needed etc.

fair play mate, is abit shitty getting stung that many times, splitting with the missus??? thought you was about to get a house together an that geezer fuck.

has taken me the best part of 6months now lol to sort things out with the missus, think im just gonna behave meself nowdays too much bloody grief n ag, started back up at the gym aswel have put some serious weight on recently yeah alot is just me being a greedy fuck but i was on these nutty pills that increase ya appetite knocked them on the head aswel rather be a loon lol
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been in the house a year now mate, was meant to be getting engaged. she asked me to leave last week, been a bit fucked up but i'm kinda over it ish. sucks after that long and there's a lot more to it but tis what it is.
tbh I'm fuckin sick of tellin' folks mate.

tha fuck did i just oh ...... :spew:

i aint been about much geezer havent seen ya say nowt about it, just went n weighed meself arrrrrghhhh took me belt off all the change out me pockets,phone shoes was gonna go el naked lol computer says im a seriously fat cunt lol them poxy machines in boots aswel they shout out the machine ''stand still now measuring your WEIGHT and height'' again again cunting machine!