The UK Growers Thread!

fuck nos mate but you can buy em easy enough in the uk and no license for a dangerous animal or owt? ones that size go 3-4k tho lol
I was kinda joking ish not far off
3-4 K though jesus. wouldn't let the thing out my sight hahah
I was kinda joking ish not far off
3-4 K though jesus. wouldn't let the thing out my sight hahah

i had to look up what a ocelot was lol went in with some baby cheetahs when i was in SA yrs ago bout twice the size of them savannah cats was cool as, they where well friendly jumping all over me licking me head lol think a cheetah is the easiest of the wild cats to domesticate could be wrong tho lol
i had to look up what a ocelot was lol went in with some baby cheetahs when i was in SA yrs ago bout twice the size of them savannah cats was cool as, they where well friendly jumping all over me licking me head lol think a cheetah is the easiest of the wild cats to domesticate could be wrong tho lol
fuck no, imagine it trying to nick your kebab, you'd have to have a fuck off stick to beat it back
I bet ocelots are parky as fuck, probably turn their nose up at donner meat haha they'd be on that shawarma shit.

don;t think i'd want to be in a cage with any lion, tame or not. fuck I don't even like horses n cows.
15yr+ ago in thailand was zoos where you could sit next too and put ya arm around fucking huge tigers to have a pic taken was a lil thai bloke beating it with a stick whenever it growled lol cruel as fuck and the tiger was probably benzo'd out its nut i still shit it tho n said no thanks.

Was a proper naughty zoo dancing elephants, bears in cages rocking back n forth real naughty, was young tho and they did get a lil revenge walked past a tiger enclosure if you could call it that was like chicken wire lol and one of em sprayed me badly with piss fucking stank quicktime in that heat n hotel was miles away, hopefully they all shut down nowdays.
My ex flatmate went to the one in thailand, said they were doped like. hahahah sprayed by a tiger lmao I can only imagine the stink lol some things just aren't meant to be 'kept' mind on the wife who had her face eaten by a monkey!?
deffo doped up, they use to do it with monkeys in spain for the pics yrs ago pretty widespread tbh cruel fuckers us humans... yeah that chimp ate her face and most her fingers aswel i thinks, have ripped of a few arms over the yrs aswel stupid fucks have put em threw bars in shitty zoo's

think ill stick to whipsnade lol
aye I think worst I saw was eagles with padlocks on chains round their claws for tourists to have pics taken with that was in Tunisia near the edge of the Sahara for a few dinars.. odd fucking place. I saw a mosquito with a stinger the size of a crochet needle drinking out the pool and thought am i bollocks going in.
what was Tunisia like? bar the animal cruelty lol was thinking of going not long before all that shit on the beach happened fuck that, poor bastards.

had to lol at this tho.

''Shilling is said to have later sent another message, which read: ‘We now officially gangsters.’ When his associate allegedly replied ‘f***ing nice one’, messages from the alleged Shilling address said ‘Hahahaha defo that’s sick’ and ‘Duck and run for cover bitches’'
Tunisia is a dirty country. Port El Kantaoui is ok though sadly it's probably a ghost town now after the beach shit. They only really had the tourism the poor sods. Sousse is nuts. the souk was really claustrophobic hot and I imagine you could buy whatever you wanted, I bought a shisha pipe and a few fat man moo moo's a bit of Moroccan hash, nowt flash. been twice. had my bag robbed last time at the airport and the po po refused to help. I went fucking crazy he was going to arrest me, the rep told me to get on the plane or i'd be in their nick trying to explain to them and they would refuse to speak English. my Arabic is not exactly stellar so i had let it go. lost all my new summer wardrobe. had to get the rep to write a statement to the insurance to claim a few hundred quid back. thank fuck I'm sensible enough to have my passport in a pocket.
as usual sending fucking texts catches two divvy smugglers. there's burners and rules for a reason. no txts ever. fuck I worry about emails and flit between thinking why should i give a fuck. the new snooping laws etc are not looking for us small timers.
fucking el don that sounds dodgey as fuck, was looking at it last yr cause of the price was gonna take the kids there ffs thank god we went gran canary instead, when that happend on the beach over there shit that did get to me a lil them poor fuckers just trying to catch a few rays and getting pumped full of ak47 rounds instead!

that gun stuff just made me lol ''We now officially gangsters'' wouldnt have laughed in his face mind with that many guns lol but sounded like a right pair of plonkers...
aye it was mate I think the police at the airport were in on it for sure. dodgy thieving fuckers.

aye wouldn't fancy one of them skorpions shoved in my mug lol.
dodgy airports cunts, only time I been robbed at gunpoint was airside in Bucharest in 1987 when it was the worlds most backwards country, no leccy no foreign products every cunt poor as fuk, airport guard wanted my 200 malboros, I told him to fuk off what u gonna do shoot me and he said yeah in foot big accident so sorry...I practically threw them at him
that's fucking grim. shooting someone for 200 smokes. life's so cheap to some people/countries it's shocking.
I didn't think he would but I shit myself, fags and whisky was good currency back then, no one went to India without a rucksack full of 555 cartons and johnywalker shit whisky, they loved that crap cos all they had back then was local shite...yak cigarettes made from black tobacco (and prob yak shit filler) and "scotch" made from sugar cane and dye lol