The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
im no expert but soy protein that good for men heard its got phytoestrogens?

That's supposed to be all bullshit.

I thought there was something to it for a while but apparently it was based on dodgy/misread papers/data.

I've not checked with my own eyes but meh......
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The cholesterol thing is the biggest piece of dietary bullshit to hit the civilised world in years.

Eating fat does not make you fat, eating carbs makes you fat.


Well-Known Member
yeah theres no correlation between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol, the original experiments were done on rabbits in the 1940 s, they fed them with high cholesterol which caused them to develop high serum (blood) cholesterol, rabbits eat fukin lettuce, this herbivore science doesn't translate to humans so it seems, when they ran the stats for humans through a supercomputer it turns out that an FEB/ulster fry is the breakfast of champions, its the shreddies and Weetabix cause the diabetes
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
its the Shreddies and Weetabix cause the diabetes

Insulin is the reason.

Glucose from carbs enters the blood stream, insulin is secreted by the pancreas to use it for energy or store it as glycogen in the liver and muscles, the glucose not stored as glycogen gets turned into triglycerides (bodyfat).

Keep carbs low and insulin is an anabolic hormone, eat too many carbs and insulin becomes a fat storing hormone.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
My day's turned out to be shite already. :-|

A barney with the Mrs cos I've had to do my nut in having to tell her AGAIN what it means to be a fucking human being.

I'm flogging a dead horse lads..........:wall:

This next crop can't come quick enough, I need rid of this monotonous internal monologue so badly.
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