The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Defoliation FTW, I started off bad, ended up too long in veg letting plant recover from nutrient burn, got too big, so I had to supercrop a fair bit of it (hence the weirdly shaped colas) and I took out most of the leaves in the middle to let light get to the bottom, even the very bottom little nuggets are dense and full of trichomes.

Edit. Nope, you misunderstand mate. This wasn't a SCROG, this is my first grow, I got given 2 seedlings from a mate, killed one, saved the other barely and nursed her to this.

NEXT grow is going to be a SCROG, I came here and couple other forums and read a bunch of advice from people who know wtf they're doing :P I have my SCROG mats ready to assemble, a 424 NFT tray, 8 Sugar Black Rose seedlings and 2 Star Dawg cuttings ready to go in


Well-Known Member
Defoliation FTW, I started off bad, ended up too long in veg letting plant recover from nutrient burn, got too big, so I had to supercrop a fair bit of it (hence the weirdly shaped colas) and I took out most of the leaves in the middle to let light get to the bottom, even the very bottom little nuggets are dense and full of trichomes.
Defoliation, lol


Well-Known Member
No man defoliation does nothing good for the needs it's leaves to fucking flourish...defoliation is as bad as flushing...u need to read up more bud.
Look up lollypoppin n u can thank me later..ur flooring all the normal moods just look about n think to yourself how a plant can produce delicious nugs when ur mutilating it's energy panals?


Active Member
I did read up mate, and the majority of people who've actually tried it said it worked. I could have lollipopped it and cut away all that low bud, but instead I defoliated carefully, idea is to take the fan leaves that are shading bud sites off so the bud sites develop properly. Don't take the bottom or outside fan leaves and it's got plenty still to photosynthesize, as all the lower leaves are getting more light now.

I tested that and supercropping, both of which worked pretty well IMO, figured it's my first plant, I might as well use it to learn more, right now I've been freezing my bloody nuts off for the last 4 nights with the front door and windows open trying to get the temp down below 15 degrees to see if what I read about low night temps inducing colour changes in some strains. :P


Active Member
Here's my babies waiting to go in, they're ready really, started them too early but I'd been told to expect 4 weeks from seed to ready and those 8 Sugar Black Rose are only 3 weeks old. Not sure on the 2 Star Dawg cuttings on the left with the thinner leavesDSC_0062.JPG , they were off a friend of a friend but they're ready too.


Well-Known Member
Here's my babies waiting to go in, they're ready really, started them too early but I'd been told to expect 4 weeks from seed to ready and those 8 Sugar Black Rose are only 3 weeks old. Not sure on the 2 Star Dawg cuttings on the left with the thinner leavesView attachment 3799224 , they were off a friend of a friend but they're ready too.
Original clone only star dawg is meant to be a yielder and you'd have been better off starting in dirt


Well-Known Member
Defoliation FTW, I started off bad, ended up too long in veg letting plant recover from nutrient burn, got too big, so I had to supercrop a fair bit of it (hence the weirdly shaped colas) and I took out most of the leaves in the middle to let light get to the bottom, even the very bottom little nuggets are dense and full of trichomes.

Edit. Nope, you misunderstand mate. This wasn't a SCROG, this is my first grow, I got given 2 seedlings from a mate, killed one, saved the other barely and nursed her to this.

NEXT grow is going to be a SCROG, I came here and couple other forums and read a bunch of advice from people who know wtf they're doing :P I have my SCROG mats ready to assemble, a 424 NFT tray, 8 Sugar Black Rose seedlings and 2 Star Dawg cuttings ready to go in
Are all your plants going on the same nft tray? It's not the best idea to put plants that require different feed levels on the same tray. Also differing flower times can be a problem too. Some could be ready for ripen and others still may need boost. It's a mine field really. If you're doing multiple plants in NFT they should really be clones from the same mother.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
idea is to take the fan leaves that are shading bud sites off so the bud sites develop properly.
The idea is a forum myth and a complete crock of shit.
Bud size and development has fuck all to do with light intensity and penetration.

Bud size and development is a direct result of auxin (hormone) distribution within the plant, an auxin called "Indole-3-Acetic Acid" (IAA) to be exact.

The auxin IAA is mostly produced in the apical (main) tip and decreases exponentially further down the plant, exactly why the main cola is bigger than the rest and exactly why the SCROG technique works like it does.

The SCROG technique enables the plant to have an even distribution of IAA across the canopy of the plant with nothing under the screen making all the buds the same size.

The Lollipopping technique does a similar job (although not as efficient) by removing the smaller bud sites that will end up as popcorn anyway and thus concentrating the auxin IAA into the upper/main cola and buds.

These are facts that we've known about since the 70's, when plant auxins were first discovered.