The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
oh christ ahm ruff, and yer rite billy ah think ah hit every bloody wall inthe toon on the wae hame......thats me jist up (4.30pm) and ive felt better.

kevin murphy

New Member
no lad im doin this grow on mi own lol...i cant wait for the chop ave a wander over have a look and comment lad if you want there budding nicely...
just trying em myself for the 1st time seem ok tho, you gonna get some help in for the trim wouldnt fancy doing 64 on me own lol


Well-Known Member
A man goes to the doctor's for his wife's test results...

Mr Smith: "I'm here for Mrs Smith's test results."
Receptionist: "Oh I'm sorry Mr Smith, there's been a problem. We have 2 sets of test results for a Mrs Smith and we don't know which belongs to your wife..... I'm afraid it's bad news or terrible news. One test shows Alzheimer's Disease, the other shows AIDS!"
Mr Smith: "That's awful! What should I do?"
Receptionist: "The doctor suggests you drop her off in the middle of town, if she finds her way home, don't shag her."

kevin murphy

New Member
A man goes to the doctor's for his wife's test results...

Mr Smith: "I'm here for Mrs Smith's test results."
Receptionist: "Oh I'm sorry Mr Smith, there's been a problem. We have 2 sets of test results for a Mrs Smith and we don't know which belongs to your wife..... I'm afraid it's bad news or terrible news. One test shows Alzheimer's Disease, the other shows AIDS!"
Mr Smith: "That's awful! What should I do?"
Receptionist: "The doctor suggests you drop her off in the middle of town, if she finds her way home, don't shag her."


Well-Known Member
"Hey look man, I fucking kid you not", said the lucky Chinese paedophile as he bragged to his less fortunate paedophilic friend.


Well-Known Member
"You have to support Man United tonight. They're English"
I said, "Yeah you're right. With their Scottish manager, French and Brazilian full-backs, Serbian centre-back, Brazilian and Scottish centre-mids, Portugese and Welsh wingers and not forgetting the Mexican and Bulgarian strikers"


Well-Known Member
I took some acid last night and my girlfriend whispered in my ear, "I love you."
I said, "It's just the drugs talking."

It fucking must be I haven't even got a girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
annnnnnd NOW...... hmm.
right, well it's going to be this time...
ok, this time...
ok, THIS time...
no, definitely this time, has to be...
no no no, it's definitely gonna be this time...

Harold Camping; being mental since 1921.


Well-Known Member
same as every wkend quiet as fuck its almost like you lot actually have real lives too lolol wkend just means lots of babysitting for me carnt even get wrecked!!