The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You're doing too much mate that's why.

My pals are on halfs, full ones + at those doses and you don't get the same come up, they just send folk messy.
There's only so much serotonin that can be released at once and it doesn't take anywhere near 240mg to do the job.

Pills back in the day were 80mg ish, those there are like triple dropping. :lol:

Sure there's personal tolerance but it doesn't vary that much, there's still only a finite amount of serotonin at any one time for anybody.

The reason why these modern DN pills are so strong is because they're getting the precursor cheap as fuck from China and it can be shipped legally because it's not watched.

Molly oil is illegal, what they're getting is Molly oil that's been dried to powder (in effect) which isn't illegal.
All they have to do is add acid to it to make it oil again and then it's like 1-2 steps away from crystal.
There's pretty much no chemistry knowledge involved anymore.

Plus the big commercial guys want to brag that they've got the strongest shit around.
I wonderd why all these super duper pills came back .in ibiza in 2009 the good ones swirls/rockstars all came out with the 'r' registerd sign on the back they were awesome and they seemed to get better for years,havent had 1 since the gold bars maybe last year but i agree there never the same come up,they were too clean if that makes any sense

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Does the new method of production of E's change the buzz or is mdma just mdma no matter the process.
you can make strawberry flavouring that has been no where near a strawberry but it chemically identical but the human taste and smell knows it straight away. Is that what the new E's are like?
I'm coming up and talking nonsense and my phones all blurry
No mate E is E no matter how it's produced.

They only difference really in production is that back in the day they used to have to start from scratch.
These days they're just starting further down the line, closer to the end product.

Instead of say 10 steps before proper, they're starting at like 3 steps from proper.

A lot of producers are lazy as fuck tbh, that's why most of the crystal about is cola coloured and not pure white.
They skip washing it and all sorts.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I used to be a monster for the speed back in the day, used to get pure white dry crystal.

These days it's that paste shite, lazy production by every man and his dog is the reason.


Well-Known Member
DMT isn't active if eaten unless with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor.

It gets broken down by the digestive system.
I smoked it so unsure.
well the lad selling it said he had caps that u eat for a 6 hr instead of 5 min smokin it.
i neved had em .the stuff we smoked was a light orange crystal,it could have been different but he said it were the sane dmt.
i just thought it was them i could be wrong

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I smoked it so unsure.
well the lad selling it said he had caps that u eat for a 6 hr instead of 5 min smokin it.
i neved had em .the stuff we smoked was a light orange crystal,it could have been different but he said it were the sane dmt.
i just thought it was them i could be wrong
He might have something else in the cap to make it work then.

Straight DMT won't work if you eat it on it's own.


Well-Known Member
I used to be a monster for the speed back in the day, used to get pure white dry crystal.

These days it's that paste shite, lazy production is the reason.
I had the white with mixed yellow and brown turkish rock amphet about 15 year ago . U were up 3 days your teeth went slack by end of week.fukin awesome stuff like.
i know what the fucks that wet shite nowadays i wouldnt touch it
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Well-Known Member
He might have something else in the cap to make it work then.

Straight DMT won't work if you eat it on it's own.
I swear the lad said u could.i wouldnt want 6 hrs of it,its not as enjoyable as shrooms and i never had more than 2 pipes at a time of dmt as i didnt want to fuk up.,1 pipe and i was tripping balls,every1 was..i think it was synthetic i looked it up at the time and orange crystL was being synthesised over in holland.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I've only done crystal a couple of times. I found it hard to get the right dose. I blew my head off last time. I did a third of a g because it was cheap and thought it would be shite. I was wrong lol
The crystals varied in colour from nearly clear, Amber the light brown. The reagent tests came back fine so it was a silly doing that much.
it's getting very difficult to write.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've only done crystal a couple of times. I found it hard to get the right dose. I blew my head off last time. I did a third of a g because it was cheap and thought it would be shite. I was wrong lol
The crystals varied in colour from nearly clear, Amber the light brown. The reagent tests came back fine so it was a silly doing that much.
it's getting very difficult to write.
0.1 is about right to start, can weigh that on some digi weed scales.

Mind you crystal is hard to judge that you're getting proper molly.
There's analogues that are similar looking (you'd never know the difference) that are much cheaper and you'd need to do about 3-4 tests or a specific one (can't remember which) to know the difference.

MDA and Bk-MDMA (if I remember right).

My pal got a gram for £12 a while back, horrible stuff.
Gives you a buzz but nothing like MDMA, it's all stim and mong and no love.

A seasoned molly man will tell as soon as it kicks in, I hated it but my pal loved it.

Horses for courses.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Boom, had to rack my head and do a bit of Googling but yeah.

PMK-Glycidate is the powder and the rough recipe to turn it into oil is.......

1) 1kg powder mix with 1kg warm water (around 80 degrees).
2) put in 1kg hydrochloric acid (HCL 37%) and you will see bubble generated.
3) Stirring the mixture for one hour and then stop.
4) After one more hour you will get oil layer in light yellow color.
5) Use separate funnel to retrieve oil.

And they do batches in these all in one units......



Dirty stuff will come out of that recipe though.
I can see folk using straight tap water instead of distilled ffs!
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Well-Known Member
So what you saying on the owls compared to the others then Oscar?
Nice and relaxing with 15mg of Valium. I'm jus waiting for the half now. I've levelled out a bit. I though I was going puke about forty minutes in but it passed. The Mrs just came down for a fag and I managed to avoid eye contact lol
I still haven't had anything as strong as those Punishers. I saw a lab test on some but they were fakes. They looked like crap compared to the ones I had. I've still got one left and I'm saving that for a special occasion.
I'm going to have joint on the downstairs bog. It's become a bit of a ritual lol