The UK Growers Thread!

Fuck me. I must be a right snob. I go shopping at waitrose or marks for my food shopping. I have a hissy fit if she says about going to asda or Morrisons ffs
I'd probably leave her if I found out she even slowed down near aldis or lidl.
I even smoke shop bought Bensons lol.
I think I like the finer things in life now because I KNOW what it's like to have nothing in the fridge or even own a fridge. I am not a stranger to smoking butt rollies lol
Fuck me. I must be a right snob. I go shopping at waitrose or marks for my food shopping. I have a hissy fit if she says about going to asda or Morrisons ffs
I'd probably leave her if I found out she even slowed down near aldis or lidl.
I even smoke shop bought Bensons lol.
I think I like the finer things in life now because I KNOW what it's like to have nothing in the fridge or even own a fridge. I am not a stranger to smoking butt rollies lol

Here I shop at Waitrose too sometimes mate, got my loyalty card and everything.....


And I too know what it's like to have fuck all, I was born in Beeston in Leeds and half my family live on Seacroft.
My Dad's a classically trained chef by trade who trained with Marco Pierre White at The Box Tree in Ilkley and I've eaten in Michelin starred restaurants so I know what the finer things in life and good food really is.

Believe me Waitrose is not it, the majority of Waitrose products are overpriced to fuck with just Waitrose branding on the packet, some of the fish is pretty good (like the wild salmon) but they can't get me fresh sardines year round, they only get em for like 3 months out of the year.
I can get the exact same products that Waitrose sells from different shops for far less money, I can even get far better than what Waitrose sells for far less money.

There's a little family run veg shop down the road from me that stocks only wild fish, nothing is farmed and their tuna steaks are cheaper than any supermarket.

Just because Aldi products are cheap in no way means they are of a lesser quality, far from it, it's about securing exclusive contracts to bring you top quality stuff for cheaper than the competition and 'value for money'.
The product range is very small too which helps and they don't have flashy shops with fresh cut flowers on the customer service desk and barcode scanners on the trollies so you can scan your own shit for convenience (you pay for that convenience in the prices of the food you buy, nothing is for free).

Asda and Morrisons are shit, both over priced for the poor quality of produce.
We only go to Morrisons for loose bread rolls for soup.
The Waitrose store bakery actually sells exactly the same products as Morrisons, those loose bread rolls like the crusty bread rolls and tiger rolls and wholemeal rolls?
Yep, EXACTLY the same as Morrisons (they're even made in the exact same speedy ovens) except that Morrisons sells 5 for £1.

Asda we might just get essentials like bread/milk and cereal late on a night because there's a branch down the road and it opens later than Aldi.

Aldi especially is a different kettle of fish entirely.

Our fruit and veg usually comes from Aldi unless we go to the farm shop in Skipton.
Because Aldi is cheap and better quality, fuck paying Waitrose prices for fruit and veg, I laugh my cock off at their prices, it's ridiculous.
Bananas are a man made hybrid that is fucking cloned so they're all EXACTLY the same, buy the cheapest you can find.
Asparagus in Waitrose is around £4 per bunch and is usually that thin stringy shit, it's half the price in Aldi and is thick chunky stuff and you can't get a bag of spinach in Waitrose for £1 or less (80p or so) like you can in Aldi.

Aldi has the best quality and best priced steak anywhere that I know, that includes the farm shop in Skipton AND my butcher.
Aldi sell 30 day 'dry aged on the bone' Aberdeen Angus sirloin and rib eye steaks for short of £5.
Yes Waitrose sell Aberdeen Angus steak but it's just regular stuff and it's not dry aged for 30 days (as far as I'm aware they don't sell aged steak at all) and let alone for £5 a pop.

I don't see Waitrose selling Wagyu steaks and burgers either, Aldi do and I think even Lidl caught on for a while too.

I've got a 500ml bottle of 'extra virgin, cold pressed' rapeseed oil here from Aldi........

2 (2).jpg

....have a look for some similar next time you're in Waitrose and then come back and tell me how much it costs and I bet it's nowhere near £1.99 a bottle like this is.

I've got top bollocks Italian extra virgin olive oil from a deli in the shitty Bradford market where I buy my parmesan and pastrami......

2 (1).jpg comes from a little factory at the bottom of the mountain in Avellino in Italy that one of the customers family members have worked at for around 50 years, the deli owner actually buys it from Makro.
Again, have a look for something similar in Waitrose (probably the best stuff they've got) and I'll bet it isn't £5.50 a litre.

I've got first press extra virgin kalamata (a specific type of olive from Greece) olive oil from the farm shop in Skipton........

3.jpg that's £7 per litre but Waitrose have probably never heard of the stuff let alone sell it for a reasonable price.

Lidl are good for eggs, they sell the cheapest I know of at 89p (I think) for a tray of 15.
And unless you're spending silly money on organic eggs then all eggs are the same, there is no difference in taste or nutrients whatsoever, only the welfare of the hens is different.

All hens except organic hens are fed exactly the same diet.
I'll let you into a little secret regarding eggs.........hens are fed dandelion leaves with the feed mix to make the yolks of the eggs a darker yellow/orange, 'Free Range' hens are fed more dandelion leaves than 'Battery' hens so that the yolks are darker orange in order to fool the consumer into thinking that the eggs are somehow 'better' thus pandering to the consumers misconception and assumptions. ;)

I mean you no offense at all mate, honestly.
But Waitrose is for those people foolish enough to think that paying more money for something must somehow make it 'better' or that they are somehow better than other people because "we shop at Waitrose" (and I've heard that line said like it's some sort of badge of honour). o_O
It's complete bullshit and nothing but marketing.

We eat like kings in my house, anybody who comes to chill eats top quality, best of stuff (at least best of stuff that I can get hold of or care to buy), every time.

Do I pay top prices for it? Do I fuck! :lol:
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It's out of laziness I go to waitrose because it's close ish and I know where everything is so I get round it quick.
We go to Corfu a couple of times a year and we know some people. A greek boat captain who's married to an English woman. They have some land up in the hills were they have olive groves and we always bring a few litres home in wine bottles and it's the nicest I've had at any price. It's basically home made.
I don't bother to cook with it I have it on fresh bread with tomatoes and salt. Simple but very nice.
I might give aldi a try. I just thought it was cheap beans and boring biscuits lol.
I suppose they must be doing it right because the big supermarkets have been caught napping and are now playing catch up.
Marks does fantastic fillet steak that's better than my nearest farm shop. It's not cheap but it is very nice.
That farm shop does some really nice bread. I don't go much now though because I used to walk my dog near there buts he's old and won't walk far now.
It's out of laziness I go to waitrose because it's close ish and I know where everything is so I get round it quick.
We go to Corfu a couple of times a year and we know some people. A greek boat captain who's married to an English woman. They have some land up in the hills were they have olive groves and we always bring a few litres home in wine bottles and it's the nicest I've had at any price. It's basically home made.
I don't bother to cook with it I have it on fresh bread with tomatoes and salt. Simple but very nice.
I might give aldi a try. I just thought it was cheap beans and boring biscuits lol.
I suppose they must be doing it right because the big supermarkets have been caught napping and are now playing catch up.
Marks does fantastic fillet steak that's better than my nearest farm shop. It's not cheap but it is very nice.
That farm shop does some really nice bread. I don't go much now though because I used to walk my dog near there buts he's old and won't walk far now.

the steak in waitrose is pretty good too...... I like 1kg to 2kg of the bone in rib roast rare on the bbq :P

but its expensive mostly on the sainsbury's chicken breast now was doing the pork chops but my sweat got too porky

Oh I`m going to love leaving this fucking city when I can choose what I want to eat by day not buy 2 to 3 days food on a budget anymore
It's out of laziness I go to waitrose because it's close ish and I know where everything is so I get round it quick.
We go to Corfu a couple of times a year and we know some people. A greek boat captain who's married to an English woman. They have some land up in the hills were they have olive groves and we always bring a few litres home in wine bottles and it's the nicest I've had at any price. It's basically home made.
I don't bother to cook with it I have it on fresh bread with tomatoes and salt. Simple but very nice.
I might give aldi a try. I just thought it was cheap beans and boring biscuits lol.
I suppose they must be doing it right because the big supermarkets have been caught napping and are now playing catch up.
Marks does fantastic fillet steak that's better than my nearest farm shop. It's not cheap but it is very nice.
That farm shop does some really nice bread. I don't go much now though because I used to walk my dog near there buts he's old and won't walk far now.

My step sister brought a bottle of olive oil back from Greece a few months ago that she nicked off the table in a restaurant and that was some damn good stuff, probably local too.

Aldi mostly is cheap beans and boring biscuits, the majority of stuff is no frills but certain lines really can't be beaten.

I don't buy all my shopping from one place mind, I have certain shops for certain stuff.

I wouldn't dream of buying chicken or pork from Aldi for example, but the aged steaks (sirloin and ribeye) are the best around.
I don't really eat fillet because it's a false economy, too expensive for no flavour although I've had good fillet from my butcher but I'd rather pay the same price for an aged sirloin that is twice the size at least and get some proper flavour out of it.

I only eat loaves of bread as toast so I just buy cheap own brand bread, I can't stand Warburtons, can roll that shite up into a ball and bounce it off the floor for fucks sake, it's garbage.
The Mrs being Polish is into bread so she buys proper bread (flour, yeast, salt and water, nothing else) from the farm shop.

I'm into the farm shop scones, can't bake for shit me and these are near on perfect.....

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.......a little too much vanilla in sometimes for my liking but that's just me. 75p I think they are, bigger than my fist.
the steak in waitrose is pretty good too...... I like 1kg to 2kg of the bone in rib roast rare on the bbq :P

It's average at best mate, it's just regular Aberdeen Angus and not particularly that good a quality considering.

Get yourself to an Aldi and try some '30 day aged on the bone' for probably half the price.

The difference is worlds apart.
I worked in harrods for about 6 mnths or so few years ago, some right rip offs in that place too z, mine seeing a bottle of water in the food part for something ridiculous like 60 quid or something lol
Aldi,lidl,polish shops or has the cheapest fresh oj with bits in town aldi has great veg sales (like insane) not to mention both aldi n lidl had high quality meat at great prices and tesco for the brands we all need...and they got a really clean restroom...nothing worse than a dirty bog
lol waitrose or marks n sparks . There's pretty much just seeds and pollen in my fridge & a pint of milk. when you're up, you're up and when you're not, it's fucking shite.

laura ashley side lamps pffft lmfao

But there's weed in the jar and and a roof over me, I've got reasonable health, mental not counting haha.

I've switched from Columbian to Sumatran this morning. not sure I like it. roughing it with espresso lmao I might pitch my life story to channel 4.