The UK Growers Thread!

Doubt he'll do a Ben asslick job but the new Netflix one (daredevil)great just hate Ben asslick but he's alright in the accountant. .a movie id recccomended..tad predictable but still alright
I wouldn't bother with the cam versions for a good film, especially one with a fair bit of effects like Dr Strange. My best mate already called dibs on that one, wants to wait til we get one good enough for his HD projector. I've just downloaded all the old Jackie Chan films, back-to-back Drunken Master and Legend of the Drunken Master other night, top notch
Well lads hope use are all keepin good... bit mad around my house at the min.. missus is due in about 2 wks so hormones all over the shop...

But on a good note looks like the yanks are voting trump in ha i always knew they wer dumb fcks but really TRUMP LOL
Well lads hope use are all keepin good... bit mad around my house at the min.. missus is due in about 2 wks so hormones all over the shop...

But on a good note looks like the yanks are voting trump in ha i always knew they wer dumb fcks but really TRUMP LOL
Good luck lad. Hope all goes well for the Mrs.
What do you think is it right or wrong


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Surrounded by enablers and trying to stay straight. Its like there's a dozen devils on both shoulders. They're away for a board meeting in the office and I'm left babysitting the drinks. Sobriety is fucking shite.