The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Been good m8, start doin work for a new guy in a week and getting a company van and shit, good money and tidy's you? new kid coming shortly aye?
If ur ever in England and turn urself into a fairy let me know..can fit alot into a big bag n their prices are good so swing down south on ur way hack n ill take 5 min if the price is right ;)


Well-Known Member
howdy lads

hope all are well n good? done a lax on that last binge and forgot me password lol

nice1 for that sample of the glue Z was fucking lovely, way too strong for me tho is 11wk glue! me pal loved both the yeti n the glue and proper mingled him aswel n he smokes regular.
great,it's called doing a lax now..mind I did wake up pop 2 2mg xanax n 10mg of diazepam lol


Well-Known Member
I hate waiting on stuff, always get a bit on edge when shits late too lol
I get a buzz when ordering...ukbenzo still hasn't accepted my 2k order..but he's closing Monday n I did get it in early but in fairness he's not been online since I placed me order..was so impressed with the last order that I had to order more..think I got like 150 extra pills with the k pack n best stealth yet


Well-Known Member
Aye the only way I could atm would be at someone else's, but round here's not that big and it's hard to trust folks so I'll just wait a bit and do it on my own and have no one know at all
That's the only way mate n have one trusted mate to be ur middle man so he gets the customers n u pay him in pot or give him a cut of the money...most will just ask for the smoke so ur laughing..I've one lad that if he sells 6 bags for me @300e I give him a bag for free n he always takes from the ppl he's sorting stash so ends out with a fair bit himself n I'm only giving 2.4gs or that shows u how desperate ppl are although for himself yesterday he asked for a bud so I gave him a 3g bud n he was extatic..fucker made me 150 the last two days n probably 500 this week


Well-Known Member
That's the only way mate n have one trusted mate to be ur middle man so he gets the customers n u pay him in pot or give him a cut of the money...most will just ask for the smoke so ur laughing..I've one lad that if he sells 6 bags for me @300e I give him a bag for free n he always takes from the ppl he's sorting stash so ends out with a fair bit himself n I'm only giving 2.4gs or that shows u how desperate ppl are although for himself yesterday he asked for a bud so I gave him a 3g bud n he was extatic..fucker made me 150 the last two days n probably 500 this week
Who is the hideous child molester in your new Avvi