Everyone's busy with DIY lol
@Leeski i love the wheels they'll make life easier.
@jondamon looks ideal mate very professional, building your own you've got a solid build with reliability.
I've been making a few tweaks to my own feeding system I've decided I need a more powerful pump to cover all the sites, once I get back to normal I'm going to make a few other changes to aid convenience.
I've also re wired my environment controller using wagos it looks a bit tidier, when I first looked at it I wondered htf did I ever work this out, with connecting blocks it looked much worse.
But once broken down into individual circuits it's really straightforward.
It's switches between speeds/temperature settings for day and night so it doesn't run away with the heat at night, it also switches on/off dehumidifier/heater whatever.
I wouldn't know how to make a circuit diagram but I could assist with pictures and/or drawings if anyone wants to make one.
I'm using a variac and sometimes 2 but plug in dimmers would also work.