The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Have a good one all. Days gettin better each time I wake is a day nearer to flipping to flower n den harvesting for few weeks to come. Oh how the perp is a wondrous thing lol. Plenty smoke. Pound stack, im happy, pocket even more so...



Well-Known Member
As far as we are concerned in the south of England it is about time Scotland stood on her own two feet
she is a big girl now

as a favour since we have supported you Scots for centuries

perhaps you wouldn't mind extending your Scottish borders slightly south
this would turn many of those northern cunts into Scots
you can have the scousers too
we don't need them

good luck
toooo fukin right skunk doc, take the borders down to York and fuk the jocks back to the pole, we sick of all ya Scottish moaning fend for ya fukin selves ya cunts.......GB if u love Scotland so much y u an the mrs fukin of south (hit me up if u do gb an well run a warehouse.....back to the abuse)...cos Scotland is shite...have it back fukin brown countryside....horrible place......morning all

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Mate why would u go from being sound and helping a brother out to having an attitude like that cause ice says so!?!?im greatful for ur help,i really am,but be a man,ur own man,and dont be a sheep and start being a prick to impress that tosser!again,i appreciate the help,thanks pal
Morning sunshine, lets get this this reet from the off. you're not my mate. you're a newcomer, and we have a systematic way of weeding out those that aren't trustworthy. fucking deal with it. or fuck off, simple as. i gave you advice cos i felt like being helpful. if you're gonna get pissy over a few folks calling you over the net, head on down to the newbie section. this aint the thread for you.

that wolf enough for you?

morning to the rest of you tarts. TFIF

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
There is a scottish thread mate, I started it the other year, just very very quiet lol think its only moved 8 pages in over a year, but thee is a fair few scottish lads on riu I speak to a few that dont come in the uk or scotland thread,
kinda proves my point eh. understand the hatred of the english though. i would too if i was proper scots but i'm only in name. half the guys screaming to be independant want to run for they claymores and get stuck in.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
toooo fukin right skunk doc, take the borders down to York and fuk the jocks back to the pole, we sick of all ya Scottish moaning fend for ya fukin selves ya cunts.......GB if u love Scotland so much y u an the mrs fukin of south (hit me up if u do gb an well run a warehouse.....back to the abuse)...cos Scotland is shite...have it back fukin brown countryside....horrible place......morning all
you can get fucked too. take the border to york. ha. if i have to build a wall round the toon and call it geordieland i'll do it afore i let you soft southern fairies make start moving borders.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye they are actually cherpy several thousand Romanians, Poles and Czech's in the last year. tbh though even if it were mancs or scousers we wouldn't be happy either. we hate the students up here man. when asked where you from in a foreign country every man from the toon will answer i'm a geordie before they say brit.


Well-Known Member
kinda proves my point eh. understand the hatred of the english though. i would too if i was proper scots but i'm only in name. half the guys screaming to be independant want to run for they claymores and get stuck in.
I dont hate the English mate, far from it, I hate the politicians down south that run our country without ever setting foot over the borders, and I hate the national reserves that are being plunndered from us by those in westminster, the scottish politicians aint much better but at least it would be scots running scotland,
I jokingly take offence when being called british as its a running joke up here,

And zedd me and the wife wanna move south cause the houses are bigger for the same money we paid up here, and I aint gonna lie, you lot get better summer weather than us lol,
As for the warehouse lol, sure bro I'll hit u up when im down and we can get on that shit lmao