The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
the threads already empty mate theres no1 to get rid off by posting ya scot rap lolol

i did actually listen to that other one you posted, reminds me of really old stuff not that im all that into music mind.
Ok I'll admit its an acquired taste lol, but when ur involved in the scene u cant help but like it,


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll admit its an acquired taste lol, but when ur involved in the scene u cant help but like it,
deffo an acquired taste helps if ya can speak scottish too lol i carnt understand much of it but that first one had a old skool kinda sound.

been watching clips on liveleak for hours now, fuck theres some mad shit caught on cam nowdays.
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Ok I'll admit its an acquired taste lol, but when ur involved in the scene u cant help but like it,
Awrite man didn't think you would be into rap music, am gona check that vid out but to be honest I love my Oakland rap joe blow & the whole m.o.b philthy rich, the jacka etc. Dunno if yiu like that type sh*t? Heres a few more pics I took yesterday. Am gona order some cal mag the now. Anything else use could recommend?


Well-Known Member
Morning mate. Anychance you could check they pics and let me know if I need anything? Ive ordered some cal mag coz I was told I was needing that
TBH mate you need to turn the HPS off for pics n just chuck a normal light in there(just for when you take pics) the light from a HPS makes it really hard to see anything in a photo


TBH mate you need to turn the HPS off for pics n just chuck a normal light in there(just for when you take pics) the light from a HPS makes it really hard to see anything in a photo
Awrite man cool I'll take a few more later when the lights back on but I'll obviously turn it off for the pics ha


Well-Known Member
Awrite man cool I'll take a few more later when the lights back on but I'll obviously turn it off for the pics ha
sounds good, i just use a clip-on light bulb holder thingy for taking pics, just plug it n, take pics then unplug it n put it away again til next time lol


sounds good, i just use a clip-on light bulb holder thingy for taking pics, just plug it n, take pics then unplug it n put it away again til next time lol
Yeah ive got 1 but it randomly stopped working with a new bulb so I'll need to check the fuse or just order a new 1 eh probably just do that lol