The UK Growers Thread!


As well as cal mag? Ive flushed them so gona let them recover for a few days then feed them along with abit of cal mag. I was feeding them 6mls of a & 6mls of b in veg, what would I feed them in flower?


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised they're going to let you claim at all seen as you quit through choice and have "made yourself intentionally unemployed".

Lol, you're supposed to get yourself sacked.
here if you get sacked you can't claim for 9 weeks same happens if I leave my job without probable cause. So the best route is to show my 70+ hour rosters with n 3-4 hours sleep between shifts. N bish bash bosh probable cause lol


Well-Known Member
Lookin alreet b4y 6ml per litre sounds too much tho when I used canna I didn't have to go past 4ml per litre in mid flower..lookin alreet tho man


Well-Known Member
Orderd my all mesh bags last neet as well an 8 bag kit ohhhh yeahhhhh just need some 20 litre pots now was gonna get smart pots but I dunno might for for air pots again but just get some big ass trays for them to sit in


Well-Known Member
Well gay lol you on about the one that's all limp wristed clones are shooting up and seem to be loving this cfl now???? Very strange must be the azomite blood meal and seaweed I gave em makes me even more excited about the ode soil....that azomite is good shit and seaweed put it on my not so healthy spider plant and its doubled in size and looks healthy as fook naaaaaa mean


Well-Known Member
Any advice on how much to feed these ladies? Ive got canna a & b along with a few flower enhancers and pk13/14

read the bottle homeslice! shit u have eyes?

smoking on sum exo or liver?S dunnoi muddled em, seems teh dry tent is working well already grindable buds after 3 days. temps 19-25 and rh is like 40-55---not bad at all!

buy the fabrics shawn u hsave a huge amount in height


Well-Known Member
Any advice on how much to feed these ladies? Ive got canna a & b along with a few flower enhancers and pk13/14
them nutes are fine but it looks like ya not watering enough, that coco looks real dry and most them pics they look underfed a tad.

id stick to whatever ya giving em but more often.


Well-Known Member
Evening ladies, whos on it 2nite? Im aady half pished, gonna go feed the girls in a cpl mins, will post some pics soon, thats them 4 weeks into flower today.


Well-Known Member
Back non days this week and its fucked me up just dozed off for an hour on the sofa well time for another joint I guess lol....Yeh I like the look of them smart pots fuck it I might order em now...can see the Mrs telling me off tho the slag


them nutes are fine but it looks like ya not watering enough, that coco looks real dry and most them pics they look underfed a tad.

id stick to whatever ya giving em but more often.
Thanks mate appreciated. So give them a little more than 6mls of a and b? Someone told me to give them 2mls of a and b in flower but wasn't sure