The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
How's things lads ? Just been sorting out the room, I currently have 3 exo 1phsyco & 3 power Africa in the flower room . As stated im sick of the cheese bending like a bitch ! Soo I'm leaving the exo for a bit I will still hold the phsyco .

Latest seed purchase. Going to try a sog in my 3x3 tent .

How are you all ?


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
do you have the required partner present for beating later? nothing worse than having to travel lol
Just myself :p cheapest thing in the little tesco. When I've cash there is an indian run londis opposite that have every type of beer under the sun available per can or bottle for about a quid each.


Well-Known Member
Just myself :p cheapest thing in the little tesco. When I've cash there is an indian run londis opposite that have every type of beer under the sun available per can or bottle for about a quid each.
How on earth can you drink stella 1) at all, its shit, 2) without having a partner present for beating later?? you will start giving stella drinkers a bad name with your lackadaisical attitude lmao


Well-Known Member
haven't eaten for 2 days and have had about 10 hours sleep this week, i feel like fucking death. tried to pick up a roll of lead before and was seeing stars. look after your teeth people

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How on earth can you drink stella 1) at all, its shit, 2) without having a partner present for beating later?? you will start giving stella drinkers a bad name with your lackadaisical attitude lmao
Haha. I drank stella for years, was cheap and wasn't as bad as some the alternatives (i come from a place where the selection was kinda stella, fosters, carling, scrumpy jack, or strongbow. But i stopped drinking it for years once they brought in the buillshit tax changes meaning all these lagers dropped to 4.8%. 4.8% can go fuck itself. And gotta be married first, it's not called partner beater, it's called wife beater :D


Well-Known Member
U lucky fucker ttt, ive had another day waiting on the postie only for the cunt to walk right past, back to another night of no smoke, at least I got a cpl beers left
You guys must not know how to grow for shit. I should have known a "UK Growers" thread was bollocks. First, you buy the seed, then you germ the seed, then you plant the seed (in early a 5 gallon pot...then after all your other "shit" is done and the season is late..but not too put her in the ground...and there ya, if I get another two weeks without frost, she's gold..literally. So, take your little boy attitude to the Pub and leave us serious growers to the thread....fuckheads.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
You guys must not know how to grow for shit. I should have known a "UK Growers" thread was bollocks. First, you buy the seed, then you germ the seed, then you plant the seed (in early a 5 gallon pot...then after all your other "shit" is done and the season is late..but not too put her in the ground...and there ya, if I get another two weeks without frost, she's gold..literally. So, take your little boy attitude to the Pub and leave us serious growers to the thread....fuckheads.

And who the fuck are you talking to?