The UK Growers Thread!

did you teach him how a geordie does?

if we went for a drink i think you'd leave me behind, 2 shandies and i'm anyones
Gaz most insurance policies allow u to drive a car 3rd party that doesn't belong to you, so u can lend ur car to a mate its his responsibility to have insurance, so what I do is give em to a mate in another eu country and he gets a letter from plod which he cant understand and bins
Only if its clear of finance or hp mate otherwise only ppl named on the insurance policy are entitled to drive, I checked that already, I can drive my mate or families cars cos they are paid off and im fully comp insurance but they cant drive mine,
[QUOinwouldost: 11007750, member: 256466"]don't fill your flower tent with autos, please. that's all i will say on the matter lol.

throw a couple in the veg tent if you have room, still think they are wank unless free.[/QUOTE]

No i wouldn't do a thing like when I got the c/o's I might have a lil dabble at the the strain me mate has just done tho ????
scorecast for the newcastle game don??? i got a couple of quid on paddy power just waiting for the line ups before i put me bets on, just long shot 50p/£1 scorecasts n correct scores.
don't bet on newcastle would be my bet lol!
and i'm not taking the piss, i just mean they are the most unpredictable side i have seen, wouldn't put it past them to win later.

now spurs brighton is a potential banana skin, bet on your team to lose rambo, if they win it's a bonus, if they lose you could win a ton lol. dunk last goal 2-1
Ain't had hash like this in ages lol use to get it all the time when I was back in school was like 35 an 8th n now it's 50 for 4 fucking grams man lol
dst give me a nice piece of hash when i went the dam last week, had a pipe before with some on and i feel fuckin great, gonna do another when i get in and have a 2 hour bath i reckon.

i'll get you a meltshot video, it's bubbly :D
arr this site :P, some kid is saying he has smell problems but has 3 filters running in his room where the tent is, i mentioned that 3 filters for a tent grow is a bit elaborate and he replied no it isn't, smell control is a very important!

i haven't the heart to tell him that i use one filter and have no issues, he'll probably say i grow shit weed that doesn't smell, so i think i'll bow out gracefully.

i'll get ya a moving picature, how bouwt that?! BRB ;)
hahah predictions for the toon game. errrr we're fucked. cisse is out. I'd be tempted at 3-1 janmaat to score ours though tbh it could be an absolute battering. I never bet against my own team, i leave them out of my coupon every week. fuck me life's depressing as a newcastle fan.
never a dull moment in the toon don! better than being a boro fan eh?.

and shawny can tell you live near the darkies, that was god awful mate.