The UK Growers Thread!

Yeah I always hated how lanky my fella got during that stage lol all they do is shoot up then bulk out after a good string bean stage
Haha yeah I know man she took a big stretch in the last 2 months now shes slowly started to fill out as well, she is like a fucking kangaroo just now tho just keeps jumping everywh lmao its funny as fuck she literally has all 4 paws straight up off the ground

Now there's a proper alchemist, cooking naked!


@Don Gin and Ton.

I'm still in bed, exactly where I've been since I got back.

I stomped in, emptied my pockets on the coffee table and fucked off to bed.

It knocked the pony out of me.

I've to sort myself out and eat soon though, I can feel myself wasting away.