The UK Growers Thread!

they been vegging a month and are only that small fuckin ell mine veggin 3 weeks and the size dif is quite some :D
Yea a month under 200 watt t5...maybe your light is stronger? Or maybe you should learn how to train your plants and try to understand the yield is determined by the spread of the canopy not hight of the plants. especially not ones that get tied down every time a dominant head rises...but who knows maybe mine are abnormally small, I'm just building my canopy I don't really care.
What you're seeing is a mixture of the HDR function on the Mrs 'HTC One' that I took the shots with, genetic colour and the big blue CFL bulb hanging behind my right shoulder.

I've snipped the edges of some leaves to stop the leaves growing out deformed around the necrotic patches (I do this regularly if you notice) after an early on (3 months ago) slight Magnesium deficiency (on 1 plant) that wasn't noticeable until it started to fix up (sometimes it's best to look at the leaves from underneath rather than from above to notice things so slight), early on Mag defs are part and parcel of coco growing, the severity is strain specific.

Not all plants should be deep green and shiney, that more often than not indicates an over abundance of Nitrogen.
It wouldn't be possible to get these plants like you describe at this stage without clawing and burning them (the purple is just starting to claw now).

In all fairness the kushy one could do with a bit but seen as I can make up custom feeds it's not something I'm worried about.

Thank's for your observations but I hardly need growing advice from Billy 'tied to the wife's apron strings' Bullshit.
Lmfao stfu...your fuckin plants need more nitrogen and less're tripping balls.. u water every day how's it going to dry out? Your plants dont even need it..they look good but not good enough for you to be talking shit.. u talk about my stems like it's a severe problem but your plants look like ghosts.
Yea a month under 200 watt t5...maybe your light is stronger? Or maybe you should learn how to train your plants and try to understand the yield is determined by the spread of the canopy not hight of the plants. especially not ones that get tied down every time a dominant head rises...but who knows maybe mine are abnormally small, I'm just building my canopy I don't really care.
I did a monster in a 50 l pot, vegged for 4 months trained it to fuck, pinched out the lower 2/3 and just left a load of tops at the same height, 23 oz dry from one plant, but its a slow way to grow if u need the money, mainlining it too will keep it looking small in veg but all the root growth eventually leads to big yields, I think your method is a good one but I prefer the speed and yield of more and smaller plants, do miss growing trees but makes no commercial sense indoors, eg look at subcools grows, all good but what a waste of light growing those big trees you need the PAR intensity all the way down the plant imo, and sunshines plants look very healthy btw, nice and green
Lmfao stfu...your fuckin plants need more nitrogen and less're tripping balls.. u water every day how's it going to dry out? Your plants dont even need it..they look good but not good enough for you to be talking shit.. u talk about my stems like it's a severe problem but your plants look like ghosts.
no its the phone, causes necrosis and mag def , damn smartphones these days
I did a monster in a 50 l pot, vegged for 4 months trained it to fuck, pinched out the lower 2/3 and just left a load of tops at the same height, 23 oz dry from one plant, but its a slow way to grow if u need the money, mainlining it too will keep it looking small in veg but all the root growth eventually leads to big yields, I think your method is a good one but I prefer the speed and yield of more and smaller plants, do miss growing trees but makes no commercial sense indoors, eg look at subcools grows, all good but what a waste of light growing those big trees you need the PAR intensity all the way down the plant imo, and sunshines plants look very healthy btw, nice and green
Yea main lining is so slow you do sog , wouldn't that be the most lucrative.?mainlining takes for fucking ever. Lst isn't as slow as mainlining Imo my plants should be huge if I had a bigger light...I'm using a 1000 watt to flower...I haven't put it in yet because I need to set up a window ac and I need to run my exhaust into my attic. the 1000 watt will fry them otherwise.
oh lol its the phone causing defs now issit

No, it's the lighting effects and your perception.

Like I said, they're not deficient.

IMAG1381 - Copy.jpg

IMAG1380 - Copy.jpg

The natural genetic colour coming out is gonna make em some very pretty plants.
Notice the slight blue striping between the veins where the light doesn't catch full on, the center of the plants are very blue.

When you've had Exo and Psycho (especially Psycho) go blue because they been taken past 9 weeks without being pumped full of Nitrogen you might know what I'm talking about, much like my Dog S1 that had blue/red/orange stripes all over it (beautiful it was).

I get quite a lot of colour out of my plants because I pay proper attention to nutritional requirements.

I even had a Dog S1 that was cherry red all over (genetics), I wonder what bullshit ailment that would have been affected with in your opinion. I can just imagine......"Quick Yorkie get it fed, a massive Phosphorus deficiency you've got going on there!".......:lol:

Jog on silly sod.
Lmfao stfu...your fuckin plants need more nitrogen and less're tripping balls.. u water every day how's it going to dry out? Your plants dont even need it..they look good but not good enough for you to be talking shit.. u talk about my stems like it's a severe problem but your plants look like ghosts.

I wasn't talking to you dickhead, but while you mention it.......

My plants can easy dry out when they're near on 4.5 - 5 feet tall in 10l airpots of coco.

Have you ever grown trees in airpots?
Do you know how much water a 10L airpot full of rootball can hold before the holding capacity of the coco is broken and it runs off?
Do you know how fast a plant that big will use said water when spring humidity is not optimal and it's under 1200w of HPS?

No, obviously you fucking don't.

You can jog on too.
yeh i needs to get on the dnet man i just cant get my fucking tor to work it wont connect to the internet not sure if fire wall stopping it or what :evil:
I wasn't talking to you dickhead, but while you mention it.......

My plants can easy dry out when they're near on 4.5 - 5 feet tall in 10l airpots of coco.

Have you ever grown trees in airpots?
Do you know how much water a 10L airpot full of rootball can hold before the holding capacity of the coco is broken and it runs off?
Do you know how fast a plant that big will use said water when spring humidity is not optimal and it's under 1200w of HPS?

No, obviously you fucking don't.

You can jog on too.
No I can't say I do.. but I can say you probably don't even know the answers to your own questions....tell me how long can coco retain water for?? and also your plants aren't didn't utilize all of your space i see many gaps and your canopy is super Un even..u can get much more out of the light by filling your space.. u can train somehow. Or just simply add more plants... you might get a pound doubt it but even if you do that's not a great yield. .that's average..I'm sure many people grow in coco and don't water every day.
No I can't say I do.. but I can say you probably don't even know the answers to your own questions....tell me how long can coco retain water for?? and also your plants aren't didn't utilize all of your space i see many gaps and your canopy is super Un even..u can get much more out of the light by filling your space.. u can train somehow. Or just simply add more plants... you might get a pound doubt it but even if you do that's not a great yield. .that's average..I'm sure many people grow in coco and don't water every day.

2.5 litres of water fit in these pots at the moment and 3 of them need 3 litres a day so you do the maths, hydro drip feed wouldn't be a problem.

Plants aren't big? You're fucking blind mate, those 4 plants take up 1.2 sqm of space and the tallest purple is about 5 feet.
It's a double tent with 5 more plants to go in next week.

I've no interest in training, I'm growing these as testers for a breeder so they go Au Naturel to be seen in all their glory.
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