The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I fuckin hate inland revenue the bastards...filled my tax return out for last year I've just had a letter saying I owe £700 from 2013 when I was on the books! Fuckin Mongols I swear man
dig out ya wage slips/P60`s for that year, might be the company was taking your tax off ya but not paying it in your name etc


Well-Known Member
Your most proberbly right ribena he's a dodgy.cunt better do some homework I suppose....why is nothing ever straight forward man
i had it with wetherspoons, with em 8 years n regulraly taking tax off me but never paid aything in in my name, just paid in a block for all their employees without naming em so it looked like i had been out of work for 8yr on the tax computers, right fuckup getting that sorted


Well-Known Member
I fuckin hate inland revenue the bastards...filled my tax return out for last year I've just had a letter saying I owe £700 from 2013 when I was on the books! Fuckin Mongols I swear man
Gf had the same problem so we got my sister to take a look at her accounts n they'd made the error..I'm sure you can get free online taxback enquiries.


New Member
Kent : 10 pounds a gram / 210 oz

Plants: bit like roulette to be honest. sometimes bang on good smoke, sometimes dried to fast taste shit but gets a high. not enjoyable.
price is the same regardless of product.

I have 10 dinafem diesel outside currently early days yet.

how much is it to ask for good bud all the time!!! obviously to much here


Well-Known Member
Just reading the letter is spinning me out I can't be arsed with the bollocks man I'll phone the cunts up 2morro and see whats what can't be arsed with it today....found some.nanners a seed in the skxdb so fucked it off us the smoke is only mid grade got a nice buzz but not much flavour and I ain't down with that shit


Well-Known Member
Get hard dvd rips out woot woot..ur cuttings look grand man once ue shit don't go limp ir laughing just leave em be N they'll roroot. Don't over water wm,keep temps nice n humidity high (basically keep the dome on n quit snooping) that shit about watching a pot applies to other types of pot 2 lol t


Well-Known Member
they are in a aero propagator m8 so i aint watering them and water temp is 68f humidity is high water dripping down all the walls not sure about air temp tho


Well-Known Member
id be happy if just one of each roots
By the looks they all should root tbh they are all perky and zeddd right giving u heads up so u don't panic lol
They will start eating them self's in next few days but this is normal u can stop it tho by very very light foliar but it don't matter imo they always bounce back when roots their and u give food.


Well-Known Member
my ex gf got her bag stolen in barca I fukin ran after the cunt chasing him down alleys but lost him was fuming got back to the gf and shes laughing, bag was 3 quid from a beach hippy and was empty, nearly got stabbed over it lol
It probably happened just off Las Ramblas. There are two main groups who thieve, the gypsies and the Moroccans. They all work usually in a groups of three.
The Moroccans like to be quite blatant when taking your stuff by doing the Ronaldhino and pretending to tackle the poor tourist. The gypsies hang back and look to pick pocket people discreetly. Moroccans don't really keep dogs as they are Muslim and gypsies are shit scared of them.
In a decade I've only had my moped nicked and I found it again. My best friend from London got robbed twice whilst she was with me.
They don't want your cards, because they incriminate, they just want your cash. Passports are worth money, especially British ones.
If you get caught beating up one of then the police will thank you for it!


Well-Known Member
It probably happened just off Las Ramblas. There are two main groups who thieve, the gypsies and the Moroccans. They all work usually in a groups of three.
The Moroccans like to be quite blatant when taking your stuff by doing the Ronaldhino and pretending to tackle the poor tourist. The gypsies hang back and look to pick pocket people discreetly. Moroccans don't really keep dogs as they are Muslim and gypsies are shit scared of them.
In a decade I've only had my moped nicked and I found it again. My best friend from London got robbed twice whilst she was with me.
They don't want your cards, because they incriminate, they just want your cash. Passports are worth money, especially British ones.
If you get caught beating up one of then the police will thank you for it!
yeah that was it fukin gypos